Hi everyone and welcome back to my Blog. Today I will be introducing my new Inquiry question for the semester and give some background information on the topic!
This semester, I have chosen to research about the question “How do environmental factors impact people’s well-being?” I chose this inquiry question since I’m super interested in health sciences and have written many blog posts and focused multiple Inquiry questions around this broad topic. It is one of my passions that I’m enthousiastic to learn more about. Another reason as to why I picked this inquiry question is because I already have background knowledge basic information on the topic of health science from previous Blog Posts and past research so this Inquiry question would be an extension to what I already know. I also chose this inquiry questions since it ties in some other topics I’m interested in, which is environemntal sciences. I found that this inquiry question best fit two of my personal topics of interest.

To add, I chose this inquiry question because I’m fascinated by how the environment affects our health. The world is filled with busy places and people, with pollution from cars and factories that can harm our lungs and hearts. Climate change has taken a tolld on the Earth, so I am interested to see the toll it may have taken on our communities as well. I’m also curious to know how parks, green spaces and other factors in cities can help people’s well-being. The way cities are built and the population of different areas around the world also impact the environement and it’s factors. I’m curious to learn more about all these factors and how hey impact us and the world we live in.
Overall, I chose this inquiry question since it not only fits many of my passions, but it also builds upon past inquiry questions and can spread awareness about climate change and the consequences of it. I look forward to learning more about this and I hope you do too! Thanks for reading 🙂
Hi Perla,
I enjoyed reading your genuine and elaborate blog post! I loved how you are doing an inquiry project that will benefit on a global level. For example, I love how you are spreading awareness on the global issue of climate change and the consequences of it. We may all be unconsciously negatively impacting climate change, so it will be helpful to know how to avoid it. For example, we may walk past litter, drive to school, and forget to recycle our garbage properly. Here are some questions I have for you: how do environmental health sciences affect our human health? How does climate change impact animals? How much of our recycling gets recycled? How can students help stop climate change? What are some of the most impactful ways to stop climate change?
Here are some resources to further your research (all sources are peer-reviewed):
Hi Perla,
I’m really interested on the topic you chose and enjoyed reading your blog post. Climate change is causing increase of storms, earthquakes, and natural disasters, negatively affecting the lives of individuals all around the world. I really like that by choosing this topic you can spread awareness of the consequences of climate change, and ways we can help reduce our carbon emissions. Some questions you could research are: What parts of our daily life could we change to have a less negative impact of the climate? Is there a way to fully stop climate change? How can we help others that are struggling with disasters caused by climate change in there communities? I’m looking forward to reading your next blog posts!
Here are some links that might help