Hello everyone and welcome to my final inquiry blog post! For this post, I will be recapping and reflecting on my inquiry process about “How [fashion has] changed and developed throughout history and how does that impact us?”. To reflect on my work, I will be answering a few questions.
What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges?
For the first question, I will be stating the challenges I faced while researching this inquiry project and how I overcame them. While researching this inquiry project, I found it challenging to find specific topics to focus on for my sub-questions. As this topic has many parts and a wide range of answers, it was challenging to narrow down my research to three categories. To properly answer this question, I needed to know what changed in the fashion industry, how and why it changed, along with how it affects us globally. As these topics were broad it took me a long time to find the right information and summarize it. Some of my questions also required me to investigate deeper and find more information. Additionally, parts of the questions were also opinion based which often took me longer to complete. To overcome these challenges, I made sure to set aside time to complete this project. I also tried getting multiple opinions, so my answers are not biased. While trying to decide which sub-questions to research, I looked at articles about fashion, and its effects on our planet which led me to find my three main sub-topics.
b. How did this inquiry change the way you think?
This inquiry project helped me gain more knowledge of the world and the effects that the fashion industry has on our lives. Learning about this industry’s effect on the world helped me broaden my horizons and truly understand the economic effects the fashion industry has. I never really understood how and why fast fashion and social media could be negatively affecting the world, however, after this inquiry I now understand. This inquiry helped me recognize the importance of valuing your resources, and the world around you. I also understood why people use fashion as a way to express themselves. Before this, I never realized that fashion could be negatively affecting the world around us. However, after digging deeper into this topic, I realized the catastrophic affects this industry could cause on our planet.
c. How did this investigation impact your future decisions?
This inquiry helped me realize how much online influence and fast fashion are affecting the world around us. If we continue to live like this, the pollution that fast fashion is causing will lead to catastrophic effects on terrestrial and aquatic environments globally. The fashion industry makes up 10% of our carbon emissions. After learning this, I will start buying less, shopping sustainably and staying away from fast fashion clothing brands. It also helped me understand the changes we have to make as a community to help make our planet more sustainable for all.
d. What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?
As I mentioned earlier, if we reduce our consumption of fast fashion, we can slowly stop worrying about the environmental effects the fashion industry has on the world. This investigation will hopefully teach others the importance of reusing clothing and the negative effects of fast fashion. It will help people learn to shop more sustainably and reduce overconsumption of fast fashion in the future. This investigation will help others learn more and try harder to fix the global consequences we have caused as a society. I hope this also teaches others to be more aware of what they buy and consume.
In conclusion, I hope this inquiry helped others learn a little more about the fashion industry and influenced them to learn about both the negatives and positives fashion has on the world. This inquiry project helped me learn so many new things and changed my perspective on various components of the fashion industry. Thank you so much for reading my blog post!