Hello everyone, welcome to my last blog post on my semester 1 project! Here are my answers to questions that will help me conclude my research and end my semester 1 project.
- What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about
overcoming these challenges?
While there were many challenges, one that took time to overcome was finding sources that focused on the topics I was particularly researching. While many articles deliver great amounts of information, sometimes, it can cause my original objective of getting data for a specific question to go off track. There was no completely effective way to avoid adding unessential data to my research, but I would think about what my ideas were for questions and find resources that gave the same feeling of answers, or I would merge data from different sources to make an answer that would answer my question better.

b. How did this inquiry change the way you think?
This inquiry made me think about things beyond what they seem. For example, my question, “What would happen if the internet never existed?” made me think critically about the outcomes and what society would be like today.

c. How did this investigation impact your future decisions?
This investigation did not particularly impact any decisions and most likely not many of my future decisions as I researched how society and big groups of people would function.
d. What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?
This investigation can encourage people to be grateful for what they have personally and for those who have created the internet. As of today, the internet is an important aspect of the world that helps society function and grow. This investigation also gives information about what certain aspects of society were like and the history behind the things we use today.
Thank you for reading my reflection and my final post of my semester 1 project, “What would happen if the internet never existed?”