Reflection: This project has been a joy to create, and I have really enjoyed learning about my topic.
Hello everyone, this is my final blog post for semester 1. These are a few answers that will conclude my project for semester 1.
- What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about
overcoming these challenges?

The first challenge that I had to overcome was finding resources that focused mainly on my topic. There were multiple websites with vast amounts of information, but due to the lack of focus on my topic it was difficult to use. There was lots of unnecessary research in this project, and as it went on, there was less and less information, which led to my topic having to be changed slightly every post, but remains on the same spectrum.
b. How did this inquiry change the way you think?
This inquiry changed the way that I view other people, and how I deal with my emotions. In the later blog post, I talked about anxiety and stress and their solutions. I feel like this has helped me improve my own understanding of how my brain works, and to have more control over my reactions. It has also helped me deal with my own anxiety and understanding my issues.
c. How did this investigation impact your future decisions?
The research conducted will impact my future decisions by how I view my reactions and how I process them. The research helped me understand myself better, and why I might process emotions a certain way. It also will impact how I deal with stress, for my past ways were not very effective, but since I researched it, there are many different helpful tips that might work better. It will also help me realize why other people might react a certain way and when people might be manipulative.

Thank you for reading my reflection on my semester 1 inquiry project.
d. What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?
The research that I have conducted will have an impact on individual people. It will give people how to control their emotions and how to deal with stress. It will also help them recognize when they are being manipulated, and will offer resources that will deepen their understanding. There is also information that will help them recognize the impact that stress can have on them, and how they can ease their stress.