
Blog #7 – Reflection

Hi everyone! Today I will be answering some questions about my research during this semester, so I just wanted to say thank you so much for joining me on my last blog post for my project!

First off, some challenges that I had to overcome through out my inquiry project was finding information that was not biased towards certain writers. A lot of the times when I was researching certain question, only one answer would come up because socially that was the accepted answer, and the one that was most “biased” in my opinion, so when I was researching certain topics and question, what I ended up finding was either the same information, or very bland information that was not relevant to my research. I did become very annoyed from this, but the way I overcame it was by finding pages and articles about the certain authors that I was researching.

A great example is Jane Austen, and for her, I would dig into her life, and make questions based on the information I found and read from her biographies, because that way, it was not an opinion that I was reading, but straight up facts, and this allowed for me to find questions and to be able to answer questions with facts instead of opinion, making the answers less similar and more interesting. I was also able to find more information about the lives of these authors because of this, as I read lots of different biographies to form ideas, and got lots of information how accessible writing was for authors during that time period. Though it was very difficult and challenging reading through lots of biographies, and finding sources that were not biased, I did learn lots about writing styles, the time period of 1500’s, and I was able to share my research with others online, so it was all worth it in the end.

This inquiry changed the way I think about writing, because though many of these authors wrote with a creative thought in mind, their texts are now seen as critical thinking and ones that get analysed in critical thinking classes, and that really changed my mindset on what creative and critical is. This makes you think that the thinking that happened back then, even though now it is classified as critical, these complex and “serious” ideas were seen as ideas that were creative, and because thinking creative at that time period was seen as something “useless” especially if a women did it, I thought to myself how different and evolved our world has become that now creative ideas like different creatures exist, and that is known to us as creative now.

This investigation impacted me very similarly to how I was impacted with the question above. It really made me rethink and see a different view of what critical and creative writing is, and really taught me to see how different out society is today, then it was in the 1500’s This made me reflect on the options and open-mindedness we have today, because though many critique that the writing now is not writing anymore, we have so much creativity within our texts that inspires all to show their creative side, and to release it. This made me think about how in the future, if things will become different, or if it will become the same situation as it was thousands of years ago. It made me appreciate the level of art and creativity we have now, and it caused me to realise how much more opportunities we have now, and how little the authors back then had, but they still managed to become so successful, they are talked about still today, til this date. It made me become more passionate, and researching the struggles and difficulty these artists battled through, I want to be able to put their level of passion and creativity into my thinking for the future, so like them I can overcome any difficulties I face.

I feel that globally/community wise, this research will allow for people to not only know more information about their favourite classic authors, but many are able to see why their work has become a classic that everyone knows of today. This research allows for people to know what type of book they are reading, the type of hard work and difficulties that went into writing the book, and how a book with so little opportunities became something so big. I feel that this research will motivate people to go forward with their wishes and to release their creativity within themselves because if authors like Jane Austen, who wrote anonymously became successful to the point were people demanded to know who she actually was, then anyone today that has access to media can do whatever they wish to do, with the right type of passion!

I want to thank everyone that followed my research, and I hope to do another research for semester 2.

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