
Action Blog Post #5

With my action project, I have done five park clean-ups in total. The latest time I went to implement my project was a week ago at Town Center Park. I went out on Saturday afternoon and brought my whole family along to cover more ground in less time. We stayed out for a couple of hours and not only positively impacted our environment but we also spent some quality family time together. Compared to the other parks I went to Town Center had the most litter due to how popular the area was among families.

A success I had was inviting my family to help me with my action project. This was an accomplishment because I finally had more people come out and show interest in making our community a better place by reducing the amount of pollution in our environment. Another success I had was doing this project for more than an hour at once. This is because all the other times I’ve been only able to collect litter for an hour, but this time I was able to stay out for longer and with more helping hands allowing me to make a bigger difference. Moreover, the most crucial success I had was influencing others to take care of our environment as well. This is because another family offered to join us to help pick up garbage showing that people are starting to value and take more care of nature.

A challenge I faced was finding a day to go out and collect garbage because my schedule was so busy since it was playoff season for basketball, so I had back-to-back practices. I overcame this by deciding to make a sacrifice to execute my project on one of my rest days instead of sleeping in. Another obstacle I faced was health conditions because I was sick for the past couple of weeks. I persevered through this by drinking hot liquids and taking Tylenol to speed up the recovery process, so I was able to pick up litter efficiently. Lastly, a challenge I faced was weather conditions because even though it wasn’t raining it was still very cold outside. However, I easily overcame this by dressing appropriately for the weather and wearing gloves to prevent my hands from becoming frozen.

Next for my action project, I plan to do actual ocean-clean ups. This is because since my basketball season is going to end soon I have more time to devote to this project. Hopefully, I can get a big group of my friends and family to come join in me making an impact in our community. Maybe I can even get members from my Social Responsibility class to come out and support me as well!

1.) This photo connects to my project because it shows an area of Town Center Park where I found a lot of litter.

2.) This photo connects to my project because it represents the types of garbage I found lying around.

3.) This photo connects to my project because it shows how dangerous it can be for animals to consume garbage that was left out by humans which highlights how important it is to reduce the litter we produce.

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