
Blog #5- Round 3 Research

How can we positively affect others?

Hello, everyone! Today, I will do my final round of research on this issue. I’ve learned so much about social impact and how my actions may alter the cognitive processes of others. Through my study of these blogs and in life, I’ve seen that everyone, regardless of position, influences and is impacted by others (1). Social influence may be comparable to the domino effect, in which one person, perhaps without realizing it, has a tremendous impact on another, whether positive or harmful. Despite having discussed this topic often in my articles, I still wonder how I may use this tremendous impact not just to aid individuals who have suffered trauma but also those who also need guidance in their daily lives (2). So in this blog post I will be talking about three different ways how you can positively impact others and make a difference in your community.

Listening and communication

Listening to other people’s point of view and opinions can have a tremendous affect your relationships, your work, and your social interactions (3). Whether you maybe are having a fight with a close friend or an stressful obstacle you are facing in life it is always nice to talk to someone in this certain period of time. However, it is not always easy to share these problems sometimes due to the fear of judgment and making others feel uncomfortable but this cause a person to bottle up their feelings, that can result to metal health issue such as depression and anxiety.

So how can we change this? We can support others by checking in with our friends and even people we don’t know well, while also communicating our own opinions in a manner that can help other understand our own thoughts (4). By doing this, we can cause a ripple affect and inspire others to the same for other people that maybe experiencing difficult times in their lives (4).

Honesty and support

Interpersonal relationships can be negatively impacted not just by lying to others but also by being dishonest with yourself. It might not always be simple for people to see themselves clearly and be willing to accept their own flaws(5). In other words, dishonesty can negatively affect not only your own relationship with others but also create a false sense of security of yourself. According to research, when someone lies to themselves in order to accomplish a goal—like cheating on an exam to get a high grade—they may forget about the dishonesty later on and exaggerate their own abilities going forward (5). (mistakenly assuming they will also score highly on the next test, for example) (5) . This is one way that lying can give someone an illusion of confidence (5). However, we avoid this by understanding where we feel insecure and lost, this also applies to our relationships with others. By demonstrating our ability to comprehend the emotions and ideas of others, we can utilize this understanding to establish positive relationships based on mutual support and honesty.

Acts of kindness

Acts of kindness can be big or small, for example holding the door someone, helping a friend with a certain problem or asking someone how their day was. To further demonstrate this idea, we can also see this idea of kindness revolving around many cultures and religions things loving your enemies and showing empathy to those who less fortunate (6). Either way, kindness can have a lasting impact on others as well as your own well being. Being kind to others broadens your perspective on life and is a sign of respect for the recipient. It also influences the giver more than the recipient and is associated with improved mental, emotional, and physical health (6).


In the end, we’ve all had moments of confusion and tension in life, and it can be challenging to locate someone who will genuinely care about you and listen to your issues. But by being aware of our own fears and where we feel stuck, we can utilize this insight to support others in our society and double the good effects. We must also bear in mind that each person may respond and experience the world differently, and that it might be challenging to comprehend the mindset of another person. However, in this case, responding with an open mind is the wisest course of action.


  3. Active Listening: Techniques, Benefits, Examples (
  4. The Listening Advantage | Psychology Today
  5. The Impact of Positive Relationships on Well-being – Our World Of Wellness
  6. How The Power Of Kindness Impacts Your Life And Others | by Tony Fahkry | | Medium

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