For my third blog post I will be researching and discussing my third subtopic to my essential question: “What are the most useful skills in this age?” Researching this question will help me get closer to the answer of my question “How can we use our personal skills and abilities to create an impact on society a small or large scale.”
According to the Forbes magazine the top ten most in demand skills are:
- Digital Literacy
- Data Literacy
- Critical Thinking
- Emotional Intelligence
- Creativity
- Collaboration
- Flexibility
- Leadership
- Time Management
- Curiosity and Continuous Learning [1]
Looking over these skills, it seems that skills that are considered the most useful are the ones that are the most suited for employment or for success. However, it is exactly that which is considered to be a valuable skill: an employable skill or skill that could lead to success. In another article with 101 useful skills the author speaks on how learning skills can enrich our experiences and can lead to greater opportunities for personal and professional triumphs. [2] All these skills and websites are aimed for personal gain, however which skills can be specifically more effective for helping with the gain of others?
Finding a website that prioritized the help of others over personal gain when speaking on valuable skills was nearly impossible. From the only website I found it described some gestures as:
- Asking people how you can help
- Proactivity
- Teaching skills to others
- Comforting those who are grieving or upset
- Being an unjudgmental listener
- Give compliments and offer encouragement
- Express appreciation (say thank you)
- Smile and spread positivity[3]

There are a few skills I believe could be mainly universal such as communication, Self-management, logic and reasoning etc. [4] However, this research made me realize that just because skills are useful in one domain, that does not mean they cannot be transferrable to other domains as well. Someone who has skills in digital literacy can specify their work to helping a good cause, someone who is a good public speaker can use this skill to gather resources and spread awareness on an important issue. The takeaway of this blog post is that the most important skill to do good in the world is the positive motivation to help others, and the proactivity to use your respective skills in the way you can.
Thank you for reading my blog! These are the links I used: