
blog post 4 

Hello and welcome back to my blog. today i will be going over a product catagory, highlighting factors that make them un enviormentally friendly and trying too find the best alternative for them. 

the product catagagory 

the catagory i chose first is plastic bag, plastic bags have been targeted by enviormental groups for awhile now and have been succsesfully band in diffrent citys, states, provinces and even contries all around the world, causing buissnesses and people to have to find many alternatives wich i will be resurching and reviewing   

the problem with plastic bags: plastic are often not disposed of properly and just droped on the ground or blow out of peoples trash can and set free, most of the time theses plastic bags will end up in the water beacuse the ocean covers most of the surface area of the earth. if thease plastic bags are disposed of properly and make it to the land fill they will take about 10-20 years to ddecompose wich actually is not that long but they often leave little pieces behind, with the constante flow of plastic bags it does not really matter how long it takes to decompose there will always be to many in land fills. the other problem is even once they have made it too the land fill they are not completly save, scince plastic bags are so light they are often blown away from landfills and into the oceans were they will meet the sea life who might mistake them as seaweed wich is a whole other probleme.

alternative one: paper bags 

paper bags are the most commonly used alteernative in stores, they are genrally a good alternative, they do have thier downsides though, like the fact that they are contributing to deforestation, they are more expensive than plastic and they are also only single use items. there are lots of positives though like they are compostable,they are easy to find (most stores have them) and they are not as cheep as platic but genrally signifigantly cheeper then other alternatives

alternative two: reusable bags

By reusable bag i don’t mean canvas bags and tote bags i mean the bags that you can usually get from grocerie stores with give them a point for bieng accessible, they usually cost more thouge ranging from $1,25 to about $4wich dose not seem like to much but it can really add up when you need to buy 5. how biodegradable the bags are also really depends on what the bag it’s self is made of. All of our belongings will eventually end up in a landfill and reusable bags are no exception so always check the tags to see what it is made of and if it is biodegradable.

alternative threee: canvas bag 

canvas bags popularity has been on the rise and it is hard to go to the store and not see one. the have a lot of apealing aspects like they can be painted on and self desighned, they are also usually fairly good looking and in style, they are also confeneant and wont break on you. they do also have some downsides like they are not alway afordable costing from $3 to $25 for a un decorated online and about $15 to $30 for a decorated one, i do find they are more expensive in stores, the other probleme with them is they are also quite dificult to fing in grocerie stores and most do not Carie them. but one more positive for them is they do decompose natrally for the most part. 

i personally think all these alternatives are better then plastic bags if they are used properly so i do not think there is a best option i think i t all depends on the situation you are in and how much money you have or how much sustance you need to carry

thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog post 


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  1. Hello Savanah,

    Great job on your blog post! It was truly an interesting read as you talked about the environmental concerns linked with plastic bags and explored alternative options. For some additional suggestions, consider adding more details about the environmental impact of plastic bags, perhaps using statistics or case studies that highlight their contribution to pollution. Additionally, you could touch upon the initiatives or policies in place globally or locally to reduce plastic bag usage. Moreover, you briefly mentioned the issues with plastic bag disposal, but you could elaborate on the importance of proper disposal and recycling methods. This could further emphasize the broader implications of plastic waste on ecosystems and wildlife. Overall, your blog post is excellent, keep up the fantastic work.,Depletion%20Potential%20and%20Water%20Use.

  2. Hello Savannah,

    I really enjoyed your blog post!
    I liked how you provided many alternatives to the non-environment friendly product, and that you gave a lot of detail for each one. I also liked how you gauged the prices for the alternatives and gave some downfalls for them. I do believe that you can add more non-environment friendly products and compare them to the alternatives.

    Thank you,

  3. Hello Savannah,

    I loved your post, I actually never thought that different types of bags actually do that much to the environment, whether good or bad. In my opinion, I think Canvas bags are the one to use and invest in, since they are stylish, long lasting, and you can use them more than one time. I also liked that you gave unbiased information, as each bag has it’s reasons to use them, and the cons like how the prices could be good, but the quality and the effect on the environment would be negative, or the opposite. One thing I suggest is to put your references in your text as it can help you be more organized and you are writing your research.

    Keep up the good work!

    Po Yiu Yau

  4. Hey Savannah,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post! I especially love that you provided many alternatives to non-environmental friendly products such as plastic bags. A question I have for you is do you think there is a way to make paper bags more durable because sometimes it’s easy for items to rip through the bag because it can’t hold a lot of weight compared to stretchy plastic bags? Maybe for your next blog post you can talk about the alternatives to plastic straws since they damage our planet as well. This is just an idea but if you are interested in looking into it I have provided a couple of links below. Good luck with your research!

    Mahdiya A.

  5. Hi Savannah
    I enjoyed reading your blog post and liked how you included multiple alternatives for plastic bags. Recently, our use of plastic has been affecting our communities even more, making this so much more important. I also liked how you wrote in detail about each bag and wrote about the pros and cons of the different alternatives.

    Here are some websites you might find useful!,ocean%27s%20ability%20to%20absorb%20carbon.

    I can’t wait to read more in your future blog posts!
    Ishani B

  6. Hi Savannah
    I enjoyed reading your blog post and liked how you included multiple alternatives for plastic bags. Recently, our use of plastic has been affecting our communities even more, making this so much more important. I also liked how you wrote in detail about each bag and wrote about the pros and cons of the different alternatives.

    Here are some websites you might find useful!,ocean%27s%20ability%20to%20absorb%20carbon.

    I can’t wait to read more in your future blog posts!
    Ishani B

  7. Hello!
    I loved reading about your post it was very educating and I even learnt about canvas bags as that was the first I had learnt about them! It is very sad that we as a society are still used to plastic bags because they do harm the environment , but it is good that we are coming up with different solutions for this! Keep up the research and good luck 🙂

  8. Hi Savannah,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I found it very interesting and I learned some things that I didn’t know before. I had no idea that the alternatives for plastic bags were so expensive. I also really liked how you included multiple alternatives for plastic bags and expanded on each of them a little bit instead of making a whole post about just one alternative. I found your post very enjoyable to read. One suggestion that I have for you is to look into how to make these plastic bag alternatives more affordable and accessible to more people. Here are some sources that might help with your research in the future.

    Keep up the good work!

  9. Hi Savannah,
    I loved reading your blog post, and I found it very easy to follow along and understand. The amount of alternates for plastic bags you included is very impressive. Plastic has had a large part in destroying the earth’s oceans and I think it is great that this is a topic that you have chosen to do. I love how you described how the plastic affects ourselves and the community around us. My questions for you is how to make non-plastic options more accessible to people all around the world, and what are the affects of plastic to humans? I have included some links that I hope you find useful in future research!

    Good luck!

  10. Hi Savannah,

    This blog post is very interesting and also something that is very important for us to learn more about. I think it is essential to learn more about this so we can truly strive towards making an impact and research is the first good step towards this. One thing I think could’ve made this blog even better would be to include what the negatives of these specific plastic bags are, how long they take to decompose, how much pollution they create etc. Otherwise this is an amazing project keep up the good work.

    Here are some links to help you out:

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