
Blog post #3-Community Volunteering: Update

Hi everyone!

I’m so sorry I haven’t been posting lately, but my action project is still underway, as I’ve said in the past, I have volunteered with the elementary school multiple times and have been assured I have made a difference in their community. Recently, in October of this year, I was able to gather 12 volunteers as well as myself to help volunteer at the Halloween carnival and the movie nights. Before the Halloween carnival, I was told that if volunteers were not gathered to help, the PAC would not approve it. This action project gave me even more of a reason to lend a hand in helping set up, run and take down stations throughout the night. Another example would be for a movie night they hosted. Myself and another volunteer helped hand out the pre-ordered pizzas and snacks and set up the mats.

It can sometimes be difficult to volunteer with this school as they only have so many events throughout the year. They typically do a Halloween event, a Christmas-themed movie night, a summer carnival and two to three additional movie nights throughout the year. During these events, there aren’t typically many issues with the student volunteers and more so with the parent volunteers, but I do recall one issue at a previous movie night. The labelling was not clear on a pre-order sheet and a few lucky students got entire pizzas rather than a few slices. It was quickly resolved as I thought I’d misread the sheet and only given a child a single slice rather than a whole pizza. After asking the team leader, we were assured that it was listed in slices and not whole pizzas.

I hope to volunteer with this school shortly as it has been a while since I saw some of the students from that school that I have grown better relationships with. I have yet to hear from them about a need for volunteers, but I am optimistic they will reach out soon.

Thank you so much for reading and I can’t wait to hear everyone’s thoughts!

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  1. Hi Claire,

    I love this action project! Volunteering can be a lot of fun, especially when you do it with friends! It sounds like you all did a great job with the carnival and the movie night! In the future, you could also add pictures from your time volunteering because I’m sure others would love to see the work you’re doing! Overall I love your project and I wish you luck on your next post!


  2. Hello Claire,

    Great Action project! The idea of getting out in the community and just being a part of the community through volunteer events is great! After COVID-19, communities have slowly died down and people stopped being a part of the local community and have distanced themselves from others. I wholeheartedly wish that you could get more volunteering experiences. I agree with Shaila, that in the future you could also consider adding more pictures and descriptions of the events that you were part of, it would bring everyone along with you in the action blog posts and help us understand the event better. Looking forward to your next blog post!


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