One success I had was going out two times to pick up litter instead of once as I had originally planned. This was an accomplishment because I have a busy schedule, so it’s terrific that I was able to work around it. Another success I faced was dressing according to the weather because it did rain a little; however, I was prepared by bringing a jacket. Last but not least, I was able to make effective use of my time by jogging as I collected trash. This allowed me to fill up my trash bag quicker while getting a small workout in which was definitely a success.
A challenge I faced was going out after 4 p.m. because during this time of the year it gets dark outside quickly. I overcame this by jogging to cover as much ground as possible before it got too dark. Another challenge that occurred was that I was listening to music while I did my action project, but then my phone died. I overcame this by remembering that I packed a portable charger for emergencies just like this. Furthermore, since my friends weren’t able to come with me I felt quite lonely walking around by myself. I overcame this by reminding myself that I needed to learn how to be more independent. Moreover, even though there wasn’t a lot of garbage to collect which is a challenge I remembered that this was a positive thing because it shows that the people who walk around Mundy Park are aware that they need to take care of their environment.
Next for my action project, I plan to go to Town Center Park to perform another park clean-up. This is because my brother told me there is a lot of garbage around their playgrounds which needs to be disposed of properly. Additionally, I am going to invite my brother to come with me because he knows exactly where to go to hit the litter jackpot!
1.) This photo connects to my action project because it shows one of the trials in Mundy Park where I walked on trying to find garbage.
2.) This photo connects to my project because it is a map of Mundy Park that I looked at to make sure I didn’t get lost.
3.) This photo connects to my project because it represents some of the garbage I found.
Hi Mahadiya,
Great Blog Post! I really enjoyed reading about how you’re giving back to the environement by choosing this great activity as your action! I think it was really clever to jog while picking up any litter you found since you can do two things at once and overcome any problems you may face with a busy schedule. I think it’s also great to switch locations from time to time (Mariner Park to Mundy Park) since that way you can make a difference in more than one environment through your Action. I would have loved so see a picture showing some of the litter you picked up, or maybe a picture to show the ratio comparison of the litter collected from Mariner compared to Mundy. I look forward to seeing your progress in future Blog Posts and hopefully see some snow melt to make the rest of your Action a little easier! Perla 🙂
Hi Mahadiya,
I loved reading your blog post! I think that your project is an amazing way to give back to the community while also getting mental and physical benefits out of it. I thought that jogging while you collected trash was super creative because it gave you a workout and helped you give back to the environment. I also think that doing your cleanup at Mundy Park was a great idea because lots of gym classes at our school often run in there and this way it will be cleaner for the students. Good luck with the rest of your project! i’m looking forward to reading about it!
Great work,