In my last blog post I explored the how philosophy help us in understanding our life, and our world as well as how it contributes to our world, in this blog post I will be researching : What are the key areas of focus for modern philosophers, what are they saying, and who are they? What is their impact? What is it exactly that modern philosophers are focusing on? To understand their potential impact on our world we should know who they are and what exactly they are saying. How known are these modern philosophers in comparison to ancient philosophers and what does this say about the need for philosophy in our modern day lives?
Firstly, what defines modern philosophy? Modern philosophy regarding western culture occurred in western Europe and north America from the 17th century until the 19th century (1). The fathers of modern philosophy are Rene Descartes and Emmanuel Kant. They are considered this because they broke away from the traditional Scholastic-Aristotelian philosophy that was popular around the 17th century (6). Descartes argued that the senses, which were central to the Scholastic-Aristotelian approach, were not a reliable source for knowledge. Descartes’ method of doubting and emphasizing reason marked a departure from the Scholastic reliance on sensation (7). His approach to knowledge and philosophy was foundational to the emergence of modern philosophy, which was characterized by a shift towards rationalism and the use of reason as the primary source of knowledge. So what does modern philosophy focus on? some of the key focuses include rational thought, gaining knowledge, skepticism, justification, Rationalism and Reliance on science, Individualism, and ambivalence about emotions (5).Additionally for this research project’s purposes, I will also talk about modern philosophy in reference to contemporary philosophy in the 21st century. A contemporary philosopher that i personally like is Slavoj Žižek’s, i think he represents contemporary philosophy well as he reintroduces ideas from the works of German Idealism, and various other past philosophical practices and ideas. Žižek’s infamously idiosyncratic style ,sense of humor, and a disrespect towards the modern distinction between high and low culture defines him as one of the greatest and most influential contemporary philosophers(8). He represents contemporary philosophy well, taking aspects from ancient, modern philosophy, as well as new ways of thinking and applying that to our 21st century world , and the issues that come with it.
So how known are modern philosophers in comparison to ancient ones, and how many people engage in philosophical discourse compared to the past? People argue that it is because ancient Greek philosophers came up with the major themes of both philosophy and metaphysics, and so everything after them is simply a variation of their work(4).In addition many people don’t even think of philosophy as something necessary to pursue in the 21st century, as compared to ancient Greece where philosophy was a highly regarded profession. As Depicted in these statistics adults believe that philosophy is the most unfavorable academic discipline, when compared with things like science, engineering, literature, and math. While modern/contemporary philosophers’ impact may not be as widely recognized in popular culture as that of ancient philosophers, their work remains essential for fostering critical discourse, shaping thoughts, and addressing the challenges of our modern world. The need for philosophy in our modern day lives is evident in its deep integration into our everyday experiences and its essential role in providing the critical framework for understanding and navigating the intricate moral, social, and intellectual landscapes of our time.
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