
Blog post #3

Topic question: how does play affect a child’s mental health?

This big topic question will have implications in on a global level because we need to focus on the future generation for the future well-being of our world by focusing on children. Furthermore, by informing the community on mental health, we will be able to decrease the global percentage of depression, anxiety, and suicide. Mental health affects all ages, so everyone will be able to profit from this project. Finally, a stable mental health helps us with adversities like death of a loved one, school environment and physical health. I hope to positively affect our community by researching about this inquiry project.

Sub question: Why is mental health important?

I would like to engage the audience on the importance of mental health first to make them more interested in this topic. I need to figure out what a healthy child’s mental health means to figure out how it will be affected by a child’s form of play. In this subtopic, I will explain how being upset does not mean we have an unhealthy mental health. Furthermore, I will talk about healthy amount of stress and unhealthy amount of stress. Finally, I will talk about how we can prevent mental health problems. This is to show the audience how vital mental health is in our daily lives.



Mental health is the wellness of how we think, regulate our emotions and how we behave (1). A mental disorder is when the process of our thoughts, behaviours and feelings disrupts our ability to function in our daily lives (1). For example, in relationships, productivity, performance in school and work, intelligence of retaining information, participation, etc (1). Self-care is very important to maintain a healthy mental health (1). Self-care is a designated time to focus on our happiness (2). If we practice self-care daily, we will be able to manage stress, lower our chance of sickness, and increase our overall energy level (2). Some examples of self-care is to get regular exercise (3). For example, you can take a walk in Mundy Park to distract ourselves from school stress (4). Furthermore, we can eat regularly eat a healthy meal (4). For example, we can limit our caffeine and eat a variety of vegetables (4).

Another way to elevate our mental health is to get enough sleep every day (5). An example, we can reduce using our screens before bed, so we are more tempted to sleep faster (5). Furthermore, we can talk frequently with our family and friends (5). They can provide us with advice and emotional support whenever we need it (6). Moreover, it can be staying organized with our priorities (6). For example, instead of stressing over projects that are due in a month, we can focus on an upcoming exam (6).


Some warning signs that we have mental health problems are that we feel hopeless and depressed (7). Furthermore, it is when we have frequent mood swings. Being mad is a normal emotion, but it becomes an issue if we keep on switching between mad and happy (7). Another warning sign is that we are so stressed it affects our sleep schedule and our eating schedule. Having a stress level where we are motivated to do better is great (8). However, if we are so stressed that we cannot commit to our schedules like school, sports, and hangouts it may become an issue (8). If we feel like our mental health is low, it is important to reach out to an important adult in our life like our teachers, parents, grandparents, etc (8).

I plan on researching why is childhood development important for my next inquiry post. This will answer my topic question (how child’s play affects a child’s mental health) because child’s play is a part of childhood development. I will research about this topic because the audience may not realize the importance of child development. Child development is one of the most crucial development in our life that shapes our personalities, values and opinions. Child development is where we learn our cognition skills, social interaction, emotional regulation, speech and language, physical skills and sensory awareness. Child development is the guideline of future milestones like adolescence, adulthood and senior years. Therefore, our community needs to be more aware on how to create a beneficial childhood environment.


1) Mental health: What’s normal, what’s not. (n.d.). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved December 11, 2023, from

2) What is mental health? (2023, February 2).

3) Mental Illness: Costs and Consequences. (2022). In Gale Canada Online Collection. Gale.

4) CBC/Radio-Canada 2014-2023. (n.d.). Kn explains: Mental health. Retrieved December 11, 2023, from

5) Older adult community mental health—Tri-cites. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2023, from—tri-cites

6) Login—KnowBC – the leading source of BC information. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2023, from

7) Canada, N. F. B. of. (n.d.). Out of mind, out of sight. Retrieved December 11, 2023, from

8) Merkel, B. (2023). Health. In World Book Advanced.


Thank you for reading!

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  1. Hi Sarah,
    your topic seems very interesting and I totally agree with it is something that needs to be researched thoroughly. I liked how you researched about warning signs of depression because as teenagers who are reading your posts, it can help us become aware of whether we are suffering with depression ourselves. Your blog post is also very organized and detailed and easy to follow.
    Here are two sources that may helps you with your research,,on%20what%27s%20important%20to%20them.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Sarah,

    This is such an interesting and current topic! I like how you started off by researching mental health in general before going into your overall question because it gives the reader some background on the topic!
    Play is so important for child development and the mental health of a child. For your next blog post, maybe you could also talk about what happens to a child’s development when they have a lack of play in their lives? For example, being neglected and not being given the chance to play. It could be interesting to see the differences in development!

    Here are some resources that may help you in the future:,confidence

    Overall this was a very interesting blog post, good luck on your next one!


  3. Hi Sarah,
    I enjoyed reading your blog. Child development and mental health do play a crucial role in our future psychological responses and behaviour. You did an incredible job describing how we can improve our understanding of what stable mental health is and how we can use this knowledge to have a positive impact on our community!

    Maybe you could delve into the signs and differences between children who have mental disorders and those who don’t. How does the behaviour of a child reveal their mental health? I look forward to your next blog!
    here are some some sources that may be helpful,or%20talking%20about%20hurting%20oneself

  4. Hi Sarah,
    your topic is so interesting and a current topic spoken about. I agree with the fact that it must be researched very in depth to show a broad understanding due to the fact that the situations for each child can be very different, and how they react to certain situations can also vary. I found your blog post very in depth and easy to follow along.
    For your next blog post, an idea might be how to identify the signs of different mental illnesses and how to differentiate this with children just acting like children. Relating to this, which is how might the mental health of children be affected by the amount of attention is shown by the parents.

    A helpful source might be

    I am excited to see where this blog post will go, and I am overall very happy with it.

    Best of luck,

  5. Hi Sarah,
    Your research gives a strong understanding of the topic. I like how you gave many examples of how children can manage stress, which teens like us could also use. I agree that self-care is essential with managing stress. I remember learning about this in middle school, is that not enough? Maybe you could talk about if our education system is doing enough on talking about mental health. And what is next for the future? Do we need more counselling resources?
    Here are some resources that can help:

  6. Hi Sarah,
    this is a very interesting topic and i think that it is important that it is staring to get talked about. i think that your first batch of research was incredible useful and amazingly orgainsed by using one of your sub question. This is a very broad topic and i completely agree that you need to go in dept in order to answer your question. i think your are doing an amazing job and cant wait to see what you post next. if i were you i would do one of my other sub questions.
    here are some sources that might be helpful:

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