
Blog post #2 – To what extent do modern philosophers contribute to the advancement of human knowledge and understanding, and how does their work compare to the contributions of philosophers from the past?

  1. Provide three steps for your research with a brief explanation of how this information will lead to addressing your question.

How/does philosophy help us in understanding our life, and our world? How does it contribute to our world? To understand how modern philosophers contribute to our world it is first important to understand the role that philosophy plays in our world, what is it exactly? What does it do? 

What are the key areas of focus for modern philosophers, what are they saying, and who are they? What is their impact? What is it exactly that modern philosophers are focusing on? To understand their potential impact on our world we should know who they are and what exactly they are saying. How known are these modern philosophers in comparison to ancient philosophers and what does this say about the need for philosophy in our modern day lives? 

What are some key ideas in ancient philosophy/how did they contribute to their society’s? 

To understand the impact that ancient philosophers had we should know what they were all about. How well known were their ideas? Did they share common ideas/what popular philosophical ideas shape ancient societies. After I will compare what I found to modern philosophy and see if their scope of impact is comparable. Hopefully all this allows me to answer my big question. 

2. Provide 5 valid sources that might be useful to address the question.,the%20meaning%20of%20human%20existence%2C,in%20Hellenistic%20and%20Roman%20periods. 

Explain how this question will have implications to other individuals and/or my community.

This question could have potential implications on individuals as it could insipre them to engage in philosophical reading or discourse which is never a bad thing, opening ourselves to new ideas can help us better understand ourselves and the world around us. Philosophy often allows us to gain new perspectives and forces us to look inwards. Self-reflection can help us become better versions of ourselves. As to how this question could have implications on my community, I am not sure, I hope this is something I can discover through my research, as something I hope to find out is how philosophy changes/contributes to societies/greater humanity. 

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  1. Hi Sammie,
    Your inquiry question is very interesting and unique. I think these philosophers shaped our world today greatly, therefore, we should learn more about this. I am surprised that philosophy is not a topic taught in schools commonly. When I think about it, I know nothing about philosophers and how they shaped our world. I think philosophers from the past contributed more than modern philosophers. I cannot think of any modern philosophers either, only the old ones like Aristotle. I like how you’re shedding light to a topic that can be very informative. A question I have is: Why is this topic not talked about more in schools? Because I think this is very educational. Here is a link that might help:

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