
Blog #2 -> Authors + History!

Hi everyone! Thank you for joining me on this second step to my inquiry project!

Today I will be explaining what my inquiry project will be focused on and what areas of my question I will be researching in detail!

  1. What gave authors the influence they have? (Did they have mentors, were they given a chance because of their wealth, how did they decide to begin writing?)

This first area I want to focus on the backstory of how authors began writing and depending on the most interesting information i find, I will give examples of how certain authors began their careers, but I want to explain their backstory and how they got started in this part of the story.

2.  Why did the authors continue? How much was their work valued during that time and why did some authors become more popular than others?

In this part of my research I want to focus on researching why the authors continued writing as back then I feel it was quite hard to have an income writing and from my current knowledge, authors became very popular because of their difference in opinion then what many thought back then, so I want to know what drove authors to continue, wealth, greed or passion!

3. How did their stories remain, why were they classified as classic’s that many look up to today, and how impacting is their opinion to the world today than it was back when it was first written?

In the last part of my research I want to research why their stories stuck around and how they managed to gain a larger amount of influence even thought they are hundreds of years old. I want to know the impact they had on our society and I want to know the difference between the meaning of their stories back then and the impact/meaning of their stories currently!

Here are some sources and links that i will be using to start my research for these 3 main topics!


Thank you so much for reading my post today! I hope you enjoyed and I can’t wait to get started with my research!

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  1. Hi Negar!
    Your blog post was very captivating! I like how you took your passion of reading and made it into an inquiry project. The history and growing trend in books is definitely something to look into! As for your steps, they are very specific in allowing you to uncover the importance and influence of literature since ancient times. A lot of your blog posts consists of the backstory and the rising popularity of certain authors/classics, trying to incorporate the status of writing authors today (like how I heard some authors are on strike) could help people see the relationship between classic vs modern literature. So, people would be able to further understand how certain stories remain popular today and the authors behind it. Dating back to the beginning of literature can give you a great deal of knowledge about the origin of books as well as the the influence it had managed to hold spanning to the present day. You have a great foundation in your research and all your steps are super well thought!

    Here are some sites I found:,it%20particularly%20significant%20or%20memorable.

    Good luck on your further research! Can’t wait 🙂

  2. Hey Negar!
    Very interesting blog post! I liked reading your post because of how short and concise yet informative it was. This is a topic so many people would love to know more about because of their passion towards books and reading. One thing I would love to see in one of your blog posts would be for you to share a personal experience with an author you admire and share a little about who they are. I believe, adding in personal stories into blog posts makes it even more interesting for the reader and leaves them wanting to know more!

    Until then, here are some links I found that relate to answering your first mini-question, ‘What gave authors the influence they have?’
    This article tells you a little about an author influenced numerous CEO’s and how they did so with their writing.
    This one talks about what authors do to influence their readers. I believe you might find this useful because it does relate to what gives authors the power they have.

    I enjoyed reading your blog post and can’t wait for the next one.
    Best of luck,
    Anannya Bala

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