Such subcategories are as follows:
1.What are people around the world most in need of right now?
Researching around this subtopic will expand my understanding on current world wide issues and help me learn more about what conflicts are arising that most people don’t notice/don’t pay attention to. This will not only help raise my awareness, but will also give me links to issues that interest me and that I’d like to learn more about as well as contribute to. Exposing myself to answers I could find while researching this subtopic would potentially lead me to find out how I could fit into it and what I could do to help.
2. Which countries/populations of people are most in need right now?
This subcategory is in a way tied to the first one however it is focused on the specific people or specific things that need help. Finding out which group of people are the least fortunate could give a specific insight on their troubles and on what role I could play in that. It could range from innovating to creating to fundraising to volunteering, all depending on what type of people are in need. Searching for this helps me not only understand which types of people around the world are the least fortunate or most discriminated against in society, but it also gives me a good idea of who I can help.
3. What are the most useful skills in this age?
This subtopic is relatively vague, as there are many different skills needed for entirely different tasks, however, this is why I will be researching this: to see which of my skills fit into this category or correlate with my two other subtopics. This subtopic will give me an idea of what each of my skills can attribute to and which most popular unused skill goes to waste.
Some sources I will be using to help with my work:
This question has a direct correlation to a greater sum of the community as this research will lead me to see in which way I can directly impact the lives of others. This can range as an impact can be seen and perceived in many different ways and I have a skill set which I am not sure how to fully exploit yet. As a generation of youth, we are the future and we should be learning from a young age how our own unique abilities can be put to use to create a better world for us all in the future.
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