
Inquiry Blog Post #1

Hi everyone! Welcome back to my page. I am very excited to share my inquiry project question with you all. The question that I will be answering this semester is: “What is the root cause of gender wage discrepancy in Kenya?”.

I have chosen this question because I have always been interested in gender roles and how they affect everyday society, as well as how they affect things in our everyday lives. Another reason why I chose it is because I am very interested about learning about life and society in other countries where people’s live are different from the ones that we live here in Canada. I also feel that I will be able to do some interesting research for this question. Obviously, for all inquiry questions, typical research is required, such as google searching and reading articles, but for this question, I hope to try and connect with people who have experience dealing with this issue and who can educate me from a first-person perspective. I am excited to conduct this research and find out more about this topic. When I am older, I want to go into a field that focuses on topics such as this one, so doing this inquiry question will be a good way to gain experience as well!

Thanks so much for reading this post! I will be posting updates on my project on Blog Post #2 in about a week. I’ll see you all then!

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - Affinity Trust


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  1. Hello Penelope,
    This question piqued my interest as i first thought the the question of wage gap discrepancy has a sort of clear answer here in Canada and i was wondering how you would do a whole inquiry project on it, but as i read further into your blog post about how it’s specifically about wage gaps in Kenya i was really interested. I am exited to read about wage discrepancies so that i can compare and kind of contrast it to Canada and see where potential differences lie. Good luck with your project, i’m exited to read your further blogposts ! Here are some resources that could help you with your research.

  2. Hi Penelope!
    I believe that It’s a vital and relevant topic, and your passion for understanding gender roles and their impact on society shines through your choice. I am interested in reading more of your research throughout the semester 🙂 Some suggestions that can help you gain a wider perspective on this topic which you may consider is how cultural norms and historical factors in Kenya might influence the gender wage gap? Also, what are the potential legislative and policy elements at play? I have found two websites which may be useful to your research.

    I’m excited to see the insights you uncover during your research journey. Best of luck, Penelope!

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