
Blog Post #1: Inquiry

Inquiry Project 

Hi everyone! My inquiry question is: How do optical illusions uncover parts of our personality?

Overview of Personality Psychology

Why this is a question of interest to you? The idea of psychology has always been quite interesting to me. The study of the human mind and functions as well as how it plays a role in influencing our behaviour. While a lot of factors contribute to shaping our personalities, I wanted to dig deeper into optical illusions. I used to see them quite often and would be very intrigued in how an image, a visual illusion picks at my brain and says something about me. Most of the time, they have been surprisingly right. Psychologists have studied and created optical illusions; but, what is the purpose of them? How do they challenge your brain and predict certain outcomes? How does it analyze our identities?  I believe that the study of psychology continues to play an important role in understanding yourself and others. I was inspired to mold an inquiry based question about it because one of my friends is studying psychology at UBC. That is why I have decided to take on an inquiry project under the category of personality psychology with a twist of mind games.

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  1. Hi Vea,
    I thought your inquiry question was so fascinating and it caught my eye right away. I think one of the reasons that this is such an interesting topic is because not many people think about optical illusions this way. I always wonder: How do optical illusions trick our minds into seeing different things? That is a question you might want to consider doing some research about and adding to your posts. I have always been intrigued by optical illusions myself and I can’t wait to read your future blog posts to learn more about them!
    Here’s a link that might be helpful for your research!
    Good luck with your project!

  2. Hey Vea,
    I saw your inquiry question and was intrigued right away! This is such an interesting topic that has never really crossed my mind, and I don’t know anything about, therefore; I really look forward to seeing where this inquiry question takes you and seeing the progress you make in finding an answer!!

    although I don’t know too much about the topic, I did some research to further my understanding, and I thought this website might be helpful to you 🙂

    – Marisa

  3. hi vea,
    I found your question quite interesting. I have never heard of optical illusion telling you your personality, so I am quite excited to read all your future posts and learn about this fascinating topic. here is a link I found online, hope it helps.

    best of luck.

  4. Hi vea,
    This sound like a very interesting topic and I have never heard optical illusions but think that it sound be talked about more. Mental health is very important as well as understanding other people personalities and behaviour, that being said I can’t wait to read you future blog posts!
    Here is a link that I hope is helpful

    Good luck
    – Dara

  5. Hi Vea,
    This sounds super interesting! I love the depth of this question and am interested to see how you progress. Psychology is a super interesting topic, however be careful to fall into the trap of reading the wrong kinds of articles.

    In my psych class, my teacher strongly suggested we use a search website from this link:
    And search with the filter of academic journal, that way you find good articles from credible psychologists that are academic rather than opinionated articles.
    I found this article could be helpful to your research.
    Can’t wait to see how you progress!

  6. Hi Vea,
    This sounds super interesting! I love the depth of this question and am interested to see how you progress. Psychology is a super interesting topic, however be careful to fall into the trap of reading the wrong kinds of articles.

    In my psych class, my teacher strongly suggested we use a search website from this link:
    And search with the filter of academic journal, that way you find good articles from credible psychologists that are academic rather than opinionated articles.
    I found this article could be helpful to your research.
    Can’t wait to see how you progress!

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