
Blog Post #1 – Action Project

Based on the values activity, my 3 most important values were Equality,Compassion, and Community. My 3 least important values were Tradition, Spiritual Growth, and Power.

I agree with my results for the most part, but it was difficult to only pick 3 values that mattered the most to me. For example, justice is a value that is very important to me, but the statement that was given for it (I believe it is important to pursue what is fair and morally right) felt too broad to me. I also think the statement for compassion should have included the word ’empathy’ because I believe that is a big part of being compassionate. Right now the statement just says “I believe it is important to feel sympathy, care or concern for others.” My 3 least important values were accurate in the sense that I do value them, but just not as much as the other values listed. I already mentioned this, but I also think that empathy could be written as a value on its own. It’s so important, and it’s defined as “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.” However, I personally think compassion includes this as well so that’s probably why it’s not on the list.

To me, my top 3 values all come back to love and humanity. Especially relating to community and compassion. I am a strong believer that we are all connected in this world. When the Covid lockdown was happening, I still remember how everyone wanted the world to go back to normal. How people wanted to hug their family members again. How you could not go out for dinner anymore with your friends anymore. How so many people felt alone. It made me realize how important community is for human beings. I am someone who loves people. I love humanity. Our differences, our perceptions. our ways of life. The little and big differences in our everydays. I love that some of us know and understand different things so deeply, and sometimes we understand things deeply together. To me, human connection is community, and community is compassion, and compassion is equality/equity, and these are all things I value. 

humanity 🙂

These are values I try to put into action as often as I can. One example of how I have used compassion was when I was on the bus and a woman with 3 kids including a baby came onto the bus and she was holding groceries and pushing a stroller all at the same time. She was having trouble locking the stroller in the bus as her hands were full, so I offered to hold her groceries for her, and she was so grateful. She told me that she was a single mom, and days like these were difficult for her, and she was so appreciative. It was such a small act, but it really meant a lot to her, and this is why compassion for others is so important. Some more examples of ways I can use these values in the future could be through small things like complimenting a stranger, or making people smile, or saying hello and thank you to bus drivers. Human connection is community!!

United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals:

The goal that aligns with my values the most is quality education. Education is the first step to change, and having free education is a privilege I think many people take for granted. My whole family is from Fiji, and one of the main reasons why my grandparents came to Canada was so that I could have more opportunities and have access to a better education.

My action project for this semester will be volunteering as a reading buddy for a public library! Helping children with reading aligns with education, and I’m looking forward to begin volunteering!

Thank you for reading my first action post 🙂

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1 Comment

  1. This is a great post and there isn’t really anything to be critical of here, but next time try and consise your post into less but more impactful words that can make your post easier to read for a casual reader. Other than that small point, this is pretty good and keep up the good work!

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