
Step One blog Post – Action Post: Values Activity & Aligning this wwith Global Millennium Goals

1 – 3) Overall, I believe it is important to find new and creative ways of doing things because forcing an individual to do things in a certain way could subtract a method of doing a job in a more efficient, undiscovered way from the individual (Innovation.) And I believe it is important for people to seek a connection to a higher purpose, to have a life mission that would create a motivational goal that would carry the individual’s personal power and energy farther than if there was nothing there in the first place, leaving behind a potential motive for better work (Spiritual Growth.) And lastly, I believe everyone should express free will and embrace liberty for others. because, as the United States amendments would have to say, “Every person has certain inalienable rights,” and I believe happiness is one. (FREEDOM RAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🔫🔫🔫🔫) In contrast, I believe it is unnecessary to feel sympathy, care, or concern for others because, at the end of the day, people will inevitably have their differences, and I think that requiring people to feel sympathetic towards a train of thought takes away from freedom of speech and thought. (Compassion) And similarly, I don’t believe it is important to experience close, ongoing relationships with others because, while in the short term, you may feel deeply connected with the person, in the long term, people will change and mature in different ways, and I think locking yourself to one person for the rest of time is kinda dumb, not gonna lie (Friendship.) And with this, I believe it isn’t important to nurture the relationships you have with your loved ones and to spend time with them. Because, for similar reasons as before, I don’t think that a person will stay the same way that you like forever, and just like before, I think that involuntary affection is unethical. (Family)

4) I believe climate action takes priority over all other isuses with out race right now as I believe that there is a hierarchy to problems in life that needs to be solved, and it goes as follows: #1. Earthly problems like climate change. I see this as number one on the priority list as without an Earth, there will be no place for the intelligent inhabitants to live. #2. Economic, industrial, and infrastructural problems. I see this as number 2 because without an economy where literally everyone is happy and everyone agrees, we can’t have international cooperation. And lastly #3, Sociopsycho problems. I see that societal problems are at the bottom for importance as for these kinds of problems you need to take time to look at the unequal events on a case-by-case basis, which is time-intensive, and it takes time to look at them individually and cater the solutions individually.

With this, I think that tackling a #1 problem is too hard and would be impossible, so I will be leaving that to the powerful international entities who can actually take care of those. So instead, I will be tackling a #2 and #3 problem, with access to information and freedom to find economic stances of different people (which is an innovative project which will give the avewrage person like you and me some more freedom and a way to find statistics which could lead you to create spiritual goals to improve yourself.)

I don’t really have a good idea of what I quite want to do right now, but maybe a little program that will tell you how much money a certain influencer is making. Like, for example, you enter the name of a streamer, and it will tell you their earnings after their stream is finished. Now that I’m thinking about that, I’m definitely doing that.

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1 Comment

  1. Hi Alex,
    Thank you for sharing you thoughts. I found your post interesting and very thought provoking. While I do agree with you on the fact that climate action is one of the most important, if not most important, issues within our world, I’m not sure I agree with your idea that relationships aren’t important.
    While they are sometimes a waste of time and ineffective, relationships do not only include that of significant others or friendships but can also include relationships of mutual respect between coworkers, the collaboration of two world leaders resolving a war, or even the involvement of people who live on this world fighting to battle climate change together. Relationships are bonds and links between people or groups that generally include mutual respect, collaboration, and compassion.
    Some definitions of the word “relationship” include: “the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.”
    “the way two or more people are connected, or the way they behave toward each other.”

    Before continuing your research, I think would be helpful for you to look into the importance of relationships and the multitude of definitions this word entails. I also would like to pose this question to you: “If we as human beings require international cooperation to thrive, does that not mean we need to create relationships and express sympathy to those who are struggling?
” This question will hopefully shed some light on the idea that cooperation and sympathy are some values that must be shown by the majority of people in order for our world to move towards a future that is more economically, environmentally, and socially sound and well.
    Some websites you could look at to help with your research are the following:

    I thouroughly enjoyed your post and appreciate you sharing your opinions. Good luck on your research!!

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