While the last few years might have not been the most peaceful, the past 50 years as a whole have been more peaceful than any other period. I believe that we are living in the most peaceful time because after the Cold War and the Soviet Union vanished, a major reason for war vanished. With the creation of nuclear weapons, many countries are now discouraged to use them because of the fear of nuclear war. I eventually saw this topic when day was interested in it because while it seems like the past few yeas haven’t been peaceful, we are possibly still living in the most peaceful period
Topic inquiry #1: the most peaceful period?
Hello everyone, my name is James and I’m excited to be part of Social Responsibility and to do this project My inquiry question is “Are We Living In the Most Peaceful Period”. I’m interested in this question because it reflects our progress as a society. Despite the war in Ukraine right now, small skirmishes and civil wars, only one is an active war.
Hello James,
I find your inquiry question very deep and interesting, though I believe that you are leaning towards wars a little too much. For example, a country that wages no wars or battles could still be very unruly due to crime, natural disasters, or disease. While it is true that war is a major catalyst in determining wether an area or time is peaceful or not, I advise that you look past physical conflicts and delve into deeper concepts such as fear, oppression, or poverty. For example, while North Korea has been in less wars than America since the 1900’s, I would say that America is much more peaceful than them, as North Korea has a dictatorial government that conctantly moniters their people, which is very similar to a dystopia, which is nearly opposite to the term “peaceful”. I look forward to your next posts!
Hi James,
This seems like a very interesting topic! I believe there can be a very big relativity component to this topic so I’d suggest you explore different types of opinions to have an even bigger range of information you could base your project off of. I admire your thinking, and as of now you could also include the recent development of the Israel and Hamas war.
Here’s an article I think could be helpful to that research:
Good luck!