Hello guys, it’s me Christine. Last time I did an inquiry question on how we interact with people differently. I am finishing this term at the end of October so I don’t have enough time to do a full inquiry project. Instead I am going to teach about a topic in one of my courses that I find difficult.
I love Biology and that is why I chose to teach about fertilization and implantation in humans. Why I find this topic difficult is because a lot of hormones are involved in these processes that mastering them and there functions became an issue to me. I think when I teach about this topic, I can get more understanding and I can master the hormones more easily.
I am thinking of ways to make this more interesting and engaging. One is to use pictures of the processes. I am open to any ideas that you might be having for me on the same. If you have any information that you might like to share about the topic or useful sites for me I will be glad to use them. Thank you!
Hello Christine!
Your research topic sounds very interesting! Reproduction is a key part of the life cycle but is often not really talked about.
I would like to recommend the documentary “The Miracle of Life” which talks about the human reproduction process from fertilization to birth. It’s pretty slow, but the pictures are very graphic. The link is https://archive.org/details/NOVATheMiracleOfLife
I hope you find the film helpful and I look forward to reading more about your inquiry project!