A big part of my life is family and travelling. I have family on both sides of my parents that are living all over the world such as the Philippines, Singapore, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and more. My family and I don’t travel as often as we used to because we all work jobs; however, we try to go on road trips or day trips a couple times a year when we can. For example, we crossed the border to the United States a couple times and we took the Ferry to Bowen Island and Victoria. Recently, I started to develop a passion for photography and videography, that the last time we went to the United States, I

vlogged our day trip. It was very fun and relaxing as I was filming throughout the day. I have loved editing content and designing for most of my life so bringing this interest to a new level has been exciting! Everywhere I go, my digital camera or disposable film is always with me.
This leads me to another thing; I am a creative person. I learn best through visualization and I believe I get my creative side from my mother and eldest sister. They taught me how to sew, paint, rearrange me room, write, etc. I may not be the best artist I know, but I definitely express myself best through imagination. I used to believe that a person can only be an athletic person or an art person but growing up, I was both! I played a variety of sports since I was 5 years old such as soccer, ballet, swimming, mixed martial arts, ice skating, softball, and most of all, volleyball and dance! Unfortunately, I have not continued to play my sports since my foot got injured but I still love to play some of them for fun!
I am eager to see what I will be learning and doing for the rest of the social responsibility post and thank you for reading about me!