About me- I am Korean, but I was born and raised in Canada. I enjoy my Korean culture by eating Korean food. Most of my meals are traditional Korean food. We do not have many family traditions. We value perseverance as a family. One thing that might surprise others is that I have two crested geckos named Keiko and Kuro. They are very good pets to me. Taking care of my pets is my passion. I joined Social Responsibility because it is a good opportunity to deeply research something I was curious about. My strongest attribute is determination. Once I am determined to do something, I will put in my all to accomplish any task.
My place in the community is just a student. I have a different role with every person around me. For example, I am a family member to people or just a friend to some others. A global problem I wish to solve is animal abuse. I think hurting defenceless animals is a huge crime nowadays. If I could have any job, I would like to be a family physician. I think this job suits me because it is usually a calm environment. I do not like chaotic or loud environments. In my free time, I like listening to music or watching Korean dramas. I think the perfect “best friend” looks like someone who prioritizes me over any other friend. I would rather be the best player on the worst team than the worst player on the best team.
Thank you for reading.