I think previously, I did not have much importance for what others did or if they littered or not. I thought as long as I did not litter, it was okay, as I was doing my part. I thought that if I did my part it would okay, because I am not affecting the planet negatively, but after doing this action, I realized that many people do not do their part and it is something that needs to be talked about more. Spreading the message and helping your community is also our duty. Doing our part only is not enough, we need to all work as a community in order to save the earth. This does not only apply to littering, but also our usage. For example our electricity use, our water use, etc. In the future, I plan to be more cautious with my usage and be more attentive when disposing my garbage in order to recycle the most amount of garbage possible.
In the future, I plan to be more cautious about my garbage disposal and research and understand more about eco-friendly brands to support. This way I can also support other brands, as well as have a bigger positive impact on the earth. Additionally, I plan to be more conscious of my usage for water, electricity, etc. Lastly, I will be informing more of friends about littering and its negative effects on the earth, to spread the message, so everyone can have a better impact.
This action has positively impacted our community around areas of British Columbia, specially Coquitlam. After Jade and I picked up garbage in Town Centre, and Eagle Ridge, we left a positive impact around these areas. Collecting a good amount of garbage, we were able to leave these areas cleaner than we found them, and hopefully this will prompt others around the area to leave the are just as clean. The other area we were able to positively impact is Jade’s neighbourhood in Port Coquitlam. After cleaning and picking up numerous items from the area, we were able to positively impact the community. Lastly, as people watched us pick up items, in Town Centre, this can prompt them to be more cautious to littering. Additionally, younger children at schools saw us pick up garbage around the area. Hopefully, this will have a positive impact for future generations to not litter and be cautious of their garbage imprint and its effects on the earth.