
Blog Post #7: Reflection

Hey everyone!

Today I am reflecting on my final project of this course! For anyone new, my inquiry question was: What Impact Does Social Media Have on Teens? I learned a lot over the course of the semester. Now, lets reflect:

What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about
overcoming these challenges? 

Throughout this project I found that it was tough to find time to set aside for research and writing my posts. My second semester had heavier classes and I always felt overwhelmed. One thing that helped me overcome this challenge was the use of to-do lists, and setting aside time to work on my blog posts and thoroughly research my topic.

How did this inquiry change the way you think?

Before starting this project I only knew little, general facts about the negative impacts of social media. Now, I have learned so much more, and can help others out when they are struggling with some of these issues. Now, I am able to connect more with my peers, and the people around me and have meaningful discussions about ways to help others, and create positive environments.

How did this investigation impact your future decisions?

Now knowing new and more richer information about this specific and pressing topic, I am able to use it in my daily life. Whether in a class discussion, or helping out a friend. Another way it might impact me is by thinking deeper in future situations before judging a situation.

What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?

As generic as it sounds, one project, one post, one conversation can make all the difference! Spreading the word, creating safe environments and advocating for others and yourself about negative affects of social media can just help one person! Others can start to find positive outlets when receiving negative feelings from social media use.

I had such an amazing time in this course and am glad to have researched 2 new topics!

Have an amazing summer everyone!

– Rhea 🙂


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