
Blog post #7 – Reflexion

Blog #7: Reflection

My question was What are the key principles of Marxism as a social, economic, and political theory/how it has influenced various societies and movements throughout history?

1. Address the following questions:
a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? 

A challenge that I overcame during this inquiry project was probably the challenge of time management. I found that this semester I had not been managing my time as well as I normally do, this led to a few blog posts that were not to my normal standard. I overcame this by recognizing my priorities and honestly just putting down my phone. Another challenge that I overcame was just defining the question that I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to explore the topic of Marxism, but it took me a while to formulate what my actual inquiry question would be, as well as my sub questions. I overcame this by doing research before creating my actual question, as well as just discussing this topic with others.

b. How did this inquiry change the way you think? 

This inquiry opened my mind to see how various aspects of political theories that I did not know much about could be applied to our society today and better it. It also made me even more aware of class disparity and other various ways in which workers are oppressed under capitalism.
c. How did this investigation impact your future decisions? 

After this investigation I have decided to delve deeper into Marxist theory as it is something that I find very interesting. Other than that, it made me want to prioritize social responsibility, advocate for equity, and contribute to positive social change more in my day-to-day life.
d. What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally? 

This inquiry could help educate others on the possibilities of Marxism in today’s society. How various aspects could be applied to help many of the ongoing crises both locally in Canada and in the lower mainland such as the housing crisis, but also globally with things such as free healthcare and education for all and. I think that Marxist theory and exposure to different viewpoints in general is never a negative thing and can help us develop personal opinions and better understand the world around us. 

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