
Blog Post #7 – Reflection

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about
overcoming these challenges?

I researched how childhood trauma impacts child development. This is a topic that is very personal and important to me, and researching the effects of childhood trauma could be emotionally challenging at times for me since it is such a sensitive subject. However, I did have ways to manage these feelings. I spoke with trusted people in my life about the things I was researching because I personally find that talking about the things I’m thinking about helps me feel less alone or overwhelmed. Talking to trusted people in my life allowed me to express my emotions, seek advice, and gain perspectives from others as well on my topic.

b. How did this inquiry change the way you think?

This inquiry deepened my awareness of the prevalence and severity of childhood trauma and its implications for child development. Throughout my research, I read so many case studies and statistics that shed light on the widespread nature of childhood trauma. This heightened awareness has given me a more empathetic and informed perspective when considering the experiences of individuals who have faced childhood trauma. I also find it very important to advocate for the needs of these children.

c. How did this investigation impact your future decisions?

This inquiry project has influenced my interest in pursuing a career related to child development, mental health, psychology, social work, or related fields. My research has made me more aware of the importance of supporting individuals who have experienced trauma, and it helped me realize that I am passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of these children. Therefore in the future I want to seek out career paths that involve working directly with trauma-affected children or people in general.

d. What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?

By sharing the results of this investigation, it can lead to an increased awareness about childhood trauma. This increased awareness can help community members, parents, educators, and healthcare providers better understand the challenges faced by children who have experienced trauma. It can also lead to these people adopting approaches that recognize and respond to the specific needs of trauma-affected children. The investigation can also lead to the development of support systems and resources for children who have experienced trauma. At a global level, these findings could even contribute to policy changes and advocacy efforts. Researching this topic can provide evidence-based insights that policymakers and organizations can use to shape policies and advocate for initiatives that support children who have experienced trauma. This can influence global conversations and collaborations aimed at addressing the long-term impact of childhood trauma.

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