
Action Blog Post #7 Pt.2


a.) I have faced and overcome multiple challenges during my action project of volunteering at different schools. One obstacle I faced was walking around Hillcrest Middle School to help in various classes because I had a sprained knee. I overcame this by doing stretches for my leg and taking small steps. Another obstacle I endured was when I was helping out in Mrs. Menard’s class at Ranch Park Elementary School, and they were doing a coding assignment. The reason this was an obstacle was because some students needed help with their projects, and I didn’t know how to help them since I didn’t know how to code. I overcame this by asking the teacher for clarification. Lastly, a challenge I faced was during a European Handball game at Hillcrest Middle School because one of the kids got hit in the face with a ball and started crying. I overcame this by sitting with the student on the bench and giving him time to calm down before asking him if he needed anything like ice.    

b.) This action changed the way I think because I realized that each student learns better in a different way. For example, some students effectively learn when instructions are written on the whiteboard while others prefer to hear the instructions explained to them face to face. This is important to know because it can help set up each student for success. Furthermore, I also realized that a single inspirational phrase can significantly improve someone’s day, so it is crucial as an educator to always uplift your students because you never know what they are going through. Additionally, I learned how to read body language queues from people which helped me determine how to approach them. For example, if a student is looking at the ground while talking to you, they most likely want to be left alone.  

c.) This action project has influenced my future choices in a couple of ways. Although I enjoyed being in a classroom, I have decided that teaching will not be my career path. Instead, I want to explore career options related to my passion for basketball. However, next year I will make sure to be on the lookout for the new grade nines that come to Dr. Charles Best Secondary School just in case they need help with things such as opening their locker.  

d.) This project has made a positive impact locally on many students at Hillcrest Middle School. By sharing my own experiences, I’ve helped them overcome their fear of going to high school. I’ve also shown them that it’s okay to ask questions when they don’t understand something because everyone learns at their own pace. Additionally, I’ve encouraged them to ask for help from both older and younger peers because we should all be willing to support each other. Furthermore, I’ve also impacted students locally at Ranch Park Elementary School by playing games with them and helping them with their projects. This shows the young students that they shouldn’t be afraid to interact with older kids because they can be nice. 

1.) This photo shows Hillcrest Middle School. This ties in with my action project because I was able to volunteer at that school multiple times this semester. I helped out in multiple classes but mainly spent my day in Mrs. Carston’s grade 7 & 8 class.

Home - Hillcrest Middle School

2.) This photo represents Ranch Park Elementary School. I had to opportunity to help out in Mrs. Menard’s grade 3 class. I helped the kids with their mini-projects that involved coding, and I also played games with them. One of the games I instructed was “Heads Up 7 Up”.

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