
Blog 7: Metamorphosis – Fashion Throughout History

1. What challenges did you overcome during this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? 

During this inquiry project I feel like I struggled with finding information because some things that you search up can be a little too specific for websites to answer. I also had to be creative and thoughtful while searching for information because fashion throughout history involves more photo examples rather than written out detailed information, however the photos were very useful as well for adding photos into my blog posts.

2. How did this inquiry change the way you think? 

This inquiry project taught me a lot about fashion and what it really means. I chose this topic because I have always loved fashion I just never really got many of my questions about it answered so I figured this inquiry project would be a great opportunity to try learning about something new and I am so glad I did. It will definitley help me in the future when choosing topics for projects because trying something new can teach myself a lot.

3. How did this investigation impact your future decisions?

I feel that it will impact my future career and maybe get into the fashion industry.

4. What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?

I think that it would impact someone who is really invested in fashion and wants to try to learn something new about fashion and how it evolved throughout time and this could impact someone who isnt invested in fashion at all and could change their opinion and make them feel impacted by it and find interest for it.


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