
Blog 7: Metamorphosis-Abuse in sports

What challenges did you overcome throughout this action project? How did you go about
overcoming these challenges?

Finding solid evidence about abuse instances that went beyond allegations was difficult for me to find when conducting my research on abuse in sports. It became clear that gathering verifiable accounts and actual proof was a challenging undertaking. I, however, fought this challenge with determination and conducted my search in an organized way. I was able to find a limited but considerable number of examples that offered strong evidence of abuse in sports by using key terms and concentrating on particular concepts like government investigations, legal actions, and documented instances. Despite the inherent challenges in acquiring such information, these discoveries helped me to better comprehend the issue’s seriousness by shedding light on the frequently hidden truths.

How did this action change the way you think?

My perceptions of the victims and perpetrators involved have been significantly altered as a result of the information I acquired. My first understanding was constrained, supposing that abuse could only happen to specific people. However, looking into this matter more deeply has made me aware of the unpleasant truth that anyone can experience abuse in the sporting community, regardless of age, gender, or athletic capabilities. Furthermore, my research has disproven the idea that coaches, who are frequently viewed as trustworthy individuals, are always responsible people. The horrifying incidents I’ve seen show that even people in positions of power may misuse the trust that has been placed in them, abusing their athletes and causing them long-term pain and suffering.

How did this investigation/action impact your future decisions?

I have extensively explored the disturbing realm of abuse in sports during my research. I have come across tragic accounts of athletes who have been subjected to physical, psychological, and sexual assault as a result of my ongoing research. Equipped with this knowledge, I have decided to set out in an effort to raise much-needed awareness of this severe problem. I want to bring awareness to the dark areas of the sports world where abuse has been quietly flourishing for far too long. I want to start an intense discussion that demands change by raising the voices of survivors and sharing their stories.

What impact will this investigation/action have on others locally and globally?

As a researcher that was examining abuse in the sports industry, I intend to shed light on the prevalence, types, and effects of abuse through in-depth research and analysis in an effort to effect good change both locally and globally. I gain essential insights into this common problem by investigating instances and analyzing current research. I want to increase awareness, promote a culture of prevention, and put strong safety measures in place by sharing my research with local communities, sports organizations, and regulatory authorities. My research also has a global impact since it adds to the expanding body of knowledge about sports abuse.

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