This a relationship between individuals of two species in which one species benefits without harming or benefiting the other [1]. The commensal [species that benefits from the association] obtain nutrients, shelter or locomotion from the host leaving it unaffected[1]. this relationship is contrasting with mutualism where both species benefit[1].the most known example is the relationship that exist between small birds and large grazing herbivores, when herbivores are grazing, these small birds perch on their backs. The movement of large herbivore stirs up the insects out of grass which small birds feed on[2]. Apart from these example there are three type of commensalism. The first one is inquilinism, this relationship exist between barnacles and whales, where barnacle survive and live on the body of the whale. The whale receives no compensation[2]. The second one is metabiosis, this relationship involve hermit crabs and snails. Snails provide protection for hermit crabs once they die leaving their shells behind[2]. The last one is phoresy, this relationship exist between mites and insects, where mites use the bodies of insects as mean of transport[2]