


I am very happy for the previous research that I have been doing and I am very delighted to start my research  round three. I have learn a lot from this research and I am ready to start my research round three and I know  that it will be more fun.

Droughts affect our communities and our environment in many ways.[1] Everything is connected just like everything in our community is connected.[1] Droughts affect our lives ways because no man can do without water and even plants and animals because water is such an important part  of so many of our activities.[1] Plants needs water in order to grow that human and animals use for food.[1] Water is used in many places like in industries, domestic use for cooking, washing, bathing, watering animals and plants and also for recreational activities for example, swimming and boat racing.[1] When we don’t enough water for these activities because of drought, many people and many different things will be affected in many different ways.[1]

We have got three types of drought impact: Economic impact, environmental impact and social impact.[1] Economic impact are those impact of drought that cost people money. Businesses that depend on farming, like companies that that make tractors of food, may lose business when drought damages crops or livestock.[1] Water companies may have to spend money on new or additional water supplies and power companies that normally rely on hydroelectric power may have to spend more money on other fuel sources  if droughts dries up too much of water supply.[1] Environmental effects it affect land, water sources and aquatic animals especially fish.[2] Droughts can result in lower water level in reservoirs, lakes and ponds as well as reduced streamflow in rivers.[2] Wildlife habitat may be degraded because poor soil quality and inadequate water affect plant growth and there may not be enough drinking water for animals.[1] On social effect droughts can affect human health, result in conflict and impact our quality of life.[2] Drought may possibly affect physical and mental human health.[2] Increased dust levels could be detrimental to people with respiratory problems and wildfires caused from the dryness may become a public safe issue.[2] Famers and those whose livelihood are directly connected to land and water may have high stress levels or experience anxiety and depression.[2] Drought can also result in conflict since demand of water is likely remain the same during drought , but because of reduced supply certain demands may not be met.[2] Drought might also impact quality of life since small bodies of water may dry up and  plants might die and recreation and there may be less recreation opportunities.[2]

Though floods  can be devastating to population centers, they have always been an integral part of nature’s renewal process, providing many long-term positive effects.[2] Floods contribute to the health of ecologically important wetlands areas.[2] Healthy wetlands promote healthy water supplies and even affect air quality.[2] Floods distribute and deposit river sediments over large areas of land. [2]These rivers sediments replenish nutrients in topsoil and make agricultural land more fertile.[2] Soil deposited by flood waters prevents erosion and helps maintain the elevation of land masses above sea level.[2] Flood water absorb into the ground and percolate down through the rock to recharge these underground aquifers, which supply natural springs, wells, rivers and lakes with fresh water.[2] Diseases and outbreaks are another major health concern in the event of floods. these diseases come in form of waterborne  diseases, which are those that come from drinking or coming in contact with contaminated water.[3] These diseases include; cholera, diarrhoea, typhoid fever and leptospirosis.[3] Though rarely considered, despite evidence for it, undernutrition or malnutrition is another health impact that can result from flooding disasters. Victims have been known to eat less during or after flooding, and often lose access to regular food supplies. [3]Mental health problems, which can occur later, are often overlooked and not as well studied relative to the immediate health impacts caused by flooding. So far, it is known that the experience of surviving a flooding disaster can impact people after the event and sometimes for many years down the line. Anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, psychosis and insomnia are some of the common mental health problems that come up in the aftermath of a flooding disaster.[3]

Both droughts and floods have major impacts on people and nature. Although these are natural occurrences, when they are severe, they can cause long-term consequences.  Finding ways to reduce their impact would make a difference to many people and places around the world.




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  1. Hi Snaida,
    Really interesting information! I think you’ve done a great job on your research. Even though I don’t know much about droughts, I can kind of relate to the floods because I’m from Brazil and personally know some people who have had to go through them. In Brazil, floods are a common natural disaster, and as you talked about in your post, cause a lot of consequences.

    You mentioned the importance of finding ways to reduce their impact, so here’s some info on that:

    Sofia B.

  2. Hi Snaida!

    I enjoyed reading your blog. I love how detailed and descriptive you are. I did not realize all the different types of effects floods and droughts have on people. I like how you separated the types of droughts into three different types to help readers better understand its effects. An idea for the future, is to research how do economies recover from these foods and droughts and what other communities can do to support them!

    Good luck in your future blogs and I am excited for your next blog!
    – Mai

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