
Research Round #2:How circulatory system and excretory are related

In my first round research I  was looking at how digestive system work together with circulatory system. This time  I  am interested  to know how circulatory system works together with excretory system.  Many different system in human body work to  provide essentials for living however they must interact  with one another to ensure that the body receives  everything it needs to continue functioning. After  the digestive system provides nutrients,  the circulatory system  transport them to the cells where some are used and others are  removed as waste by excretory  system. Circulatory is responsible for the flow of the blood and excretory system is responsible for the removal of  unwanted materials from the body.(1)

Heart pumps oxygenated  blood  to all body parts including kidneys.(2)The kidney purifies the blood  by removing waste products .(2)Without kidney the heart would be working hard to function and without the heart the kidneys  would not  have oxygenated blood.(4) The excretory system helps in filtering the blood by the help of blood capillaries presents in the kidneys.(2) The harmful substances present are excreted in form of urine and the useful ones are absorbed back into the blood.(2)

Circulatory system delivers essential  materials to each cell of the body. It also  transports waste products of the the cells to lungs to be oxygenated and to the kidneys to be excreted.(3) The systems are related because excretory system ; cleans the blood ,removes excess fluids ,keeping other fluids in balance.(3) Excretory releases hormones to raise blood pressure and increase red blood cells production(3) Kidney encourages the production of red blood cell  and regulates blood pressure with the secretion of renin.(3) Without this co -ordination of the systems the body can not function.










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