
Blog post #5

Hi everyone! 

For this last round of research I looked into environmentalism to answer inquiry my question: “What’s the role of the media in current social movements?”

First, I’d like to explain what environmentalism is, as some of you might not know this movement. 

Environmentalism: A “political and ethical movement” that argues for the protection of nature. It uses “political, economic and social organisation” to encourage changes in human activity that harm the environment (1).

What role has the media played in promoting environmental awareness?

As with other social movements, the media in general allows people with different background and platforms to provide awareness and knowledge of environmental issues. It makes information  on the protection and conservation of nature and its resources “widely available” to anyone that has access to the internet, television or newspaper. Various ways of transmission, like  “interviews, plays and documentaries” are used for that purpose (2).

However, social media in particular is even more used by activists to increase awareness because it allows them to engage with people from all around the world. Along with individual activists, big organisations, like Greenpeace, and celebrities, like Leonardo DiCaprio, are also active on social media to inform their public on environmental issues. Social platforms allows these people to have “real conversation’ with their followers and “motivates” them to interact and engage with these issues by using hashtags ans spreading trends (3).

What is an example of a successful environmental movement that was aided by media coverage?

In September 2019, there were worldwide strikes for the protection of the environment, and it was led by young activists. It all started when Greta Thunberg, a Swedish environmentalist, encouraged young students to strike on Fridays to raise awareness about the climate crisis. On Friday the 20th of September, millions of people, especially the youth, took the cities around the world. They spread knowledge and pressure governments/corporations to use safer measures to help “reduce greenhouse gas emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and protect the planet’s biodiversity.”

Greta and other activist extensively used their platforms to encourage their followers to strike, and those followers themselves began to use their social media accounts to motivate their friends as well. In addition, newspapers, tv news, radios and all kinds of mass media transmitted information about the strikes even more (4).


Elliott, L. (2023, June 14). Environmentalism | Ideology, History, & Types. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved June 16, 2023, from                            

Lamasnyash. (2014, August 1). Media’s role in Environmental Coservation. Environmentblogs. Retrieved June 16, 2023, from                                 

Roger, P. (2021, December 12). How social media helps increasing environmental awareness ? Medium. Retrieved June 17, 2023, from                 

Times, N. Y. (2019, September 21). Protesting Climate Change, Young People Take to Streets in a Global Strike. The New York Times. Retrieved          June 17, 2023, from

Sofia B.

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  1. Hi Signaciobereza!
    I really appreciate you for a job well done for your last research since you have really made me more aware about environmental conservation and I hope it will also impact many people who might get a chance to go through your research.

    1. Hi Samantha! Thank you for commenting on my post. Yes, I agree that awareness of environmental conversation is very important. I think that my post will impact people that read it because they will learn more about the power and responsibility the media has in shaping public perception and action.

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