

In my previous post, I was researching about the effects of colonization in East Africa and I have learnt a lot on the effects that I never knew about. And for my third round of research, am researching about the impacts of colonization.

Colonization led to the introduction of Western education (1). When the colonizers came to East Africa they found the Africans had their old traditions and also they had a different ways of doing their things. So, they decided to introduce education to the Africans which impacted a lot in their lives and still goes on today and has really brought development in the east of Africa(1). Advancement of technology and modernization. When the colonizers wanted to extract the minerals from Africa, they found out that the Africans never had the resources to that could help so they decided to bring their technological skills to Africa and this also helps as Africans are able to extract minerals and sell them which earns the country foreign exchange.

Colonialism played a big impact in this because some countries used traditional methods of farming which hindered development in the countries. In this way the colonizers came up with other technological ways of how the farming will be effective and also introduced other crops like coffee, tea and pyrethrum. Today tea is one of the main foreign exchange earner in some of the east African countries like Kenya.(1) There is a lot of economic dependence and exploitation. This technology is effective because if it was not for it, all the countries would never have never developed us they are now.

Government was also introduced and is still functions up to now. The Africans never had the type of government they have right now because it was so traditional that it could not rule a lot of people, so the Western government was more effective (2). The traditional government could only rule only a certain place because of lack of skilled personnel and also the laws that were made could not reach many people because of lack of technological ways to pass information from one place to another.

Africans are really relying so much on the countries that colonized them for resources and different things. The colonialist took the resources and went with them to their countries so the Africans had to start again which has led to them relying on other countries.(3) There is also erosion of culture because you can find most of the African countries speaking the language of the colonizers instead of their own language example English which is widely spoken.(3)





2. Positive and Negative Effects of Colonialism in Africa – Bscholarly







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  1. Hello Mary! Very interesting and creative topic!! I am always looking to learn something new about history and find learning about things like colonisation very interesting so I like that you picked this topic!
    Here are a few sources that could help you with the development of Africa more:;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzUEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1686549119/RO=10/;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzMEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1686549119/RO=10/

    – Hannah

  2. Hey Mary!
    Your research on the impacts of colonization in East Africa sheds light on important historical and socio-economic aspects. It’s fascinating to see how education contributed to development and how technological advancements facilitated mineral extraction. The transformation of farming methods and the introduction of cash crops like tea have had significant economic implications. The establishment of Western-style governments and the erosion of indigenous languages and cultures are thought-provoking aspects to consider. For the next research, it would be valuable to explore the long-term social and psychological impacts of colonization on the East African communities.

    Here are some resources that might help you out!

    I look forward to reading your future posts,

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