Words are lost over a period of time, people forget about them due to the temporarily severance of the brain-vocal connection [2]. This is also caused by mental chatter that something is not able to process our thoughts and words [2].As new words are used ,words that were recently used are forgotten and not in use anymore by people hence their interest in use is totally lost in the whole world [2].
As new things evolve in the world ,they are named hence more words are gained such as when technology evolved ,they were named differently for example computer hence led to acquiring of more names leading to more words that are used [ 3].Words have acquired new related to a message sent via the social media platform [ 3]. Human language constantly evolves due to the changing world and the need for easier forms of communication [3]. Semantic drift which is the study of word meaning has also resulted to the change of words.
Hi Samantha, interesting research topic!. Your found really good information and I enjoyed reading your post. Because I like reading classics, I often notice the things you talked about in this post. For example, authors use words that today have a different meaning and words that we no longer use. Here’s a link to a blog post about Jane Austin’s word choices. It really relates to your topic and what I talked above.
Sofia B.
Hi Samantha! This is a very interesting topic! The information is clearly and thoughtfully researched and I am very invested in this topic because it is a topic I have am not very familiar with or even heard of before. I really like this topic! Keep up the good work 🙂
Here are some sources that you could check out for more information:
Hi Samantha! I loved how you explained the post as it was really smooth to read! I also loved your inquiry about how words gain, or lose their meanings as that is something important to think about when looking at how the world can view those words, as many will connect a different definition even though universally it only has one! Heres a link that I found online that might be helpful to your research, though it is more of a scientific reasoning for words losing their meanings! Good luck on your future posts!
https://www.thoughtco.com/semantic-satiation-1691937 here is the link!