
Blog #5: Round 3 of Research

How do fears/phobias evolve from childhood to adulthood?

I can only answer this question by answering another one first. “How long do fears last?” This question will tell us how long a typical fear/phobia will last, showing us which ones stay with us into adulthood and which ones evolve, change, or go away.

How long do fears/phobias last?

  • Long lasting fears are known as phobias(1)
  • A phobia can last for several years or decades
  • Many phobias begin in childhood and peak during midlife or old age
  • Many phobias can be predicted based off mood, anxiety, or substance-use disorders
  • Progression of a phobia
    • fear to avoidance to the diagnoses of the phobia
  • Most phobias can be treated or cured, but they often cannot fully go away(2)
    • by gradually being exposed to whatever causes fear
    • called exposure therapy
    • here are some types of exposure therapy

Definition of exposure therapy and what to expect - FreeMediInfo

  • Phobias can take very long to treat
  • Therapy is far more common to treat phobias rather then medication
  • Medication that is used is usually antidepressants or tranquillizers
  • Fear goes away when the threat goes away(3)
  • Anxiety often stays and needs to be managed with medication or therapy
  • Anxiety does not just go away and can get worse over time(4)
  • Like other emotions, fear can be intense, medium, or light(5)
    • the feeling of fear can be brief or last in long periods of time
  • Fear for many people is an in the moment reaction or emotion
  • Adult phobias often last many years, and are less likely to go away than children’s(6)
  • Phobia in adults can risk psychiatric illness
    • anxiety disorders
    • depression
    • substance use
  • For children, many phobias are short-term that go away in a few months
  • For adults, 80% of phobias become chronic
  • Children’s phobias are more likely to go away without treatment than adults
  • Though adults feel fear less easily they develop more intense and longer lasting phobias then children

The time a fear lasts shows the exact difference between a phobia or a fear. The duration of a phobia for adults compared to children is very different, as adults often experience phobias for longer in more intense ways. Children’s fears/phobias are also far easier to treat, sometimes requiring no treatment at all, though that is not common.


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  1. Hey Natalie!

    I found your research very interesting as my topic last year was mainly related to phobias as well! What I found interesting was how we both approached the research differently but ended up with more than similar ideas. As your research is now over and there arent really any other mini questions to answer, here is a link to some general knowledge about phobias I thought you might like reading up about 🙂

    And one last question that might leave some food for thought. I always wondered if a phobia could possibly return after one thought it was fully treated. An example of this would be, suppose someone with Cynophobia (the fear of dogs) went through exposure therapy and were comfortable around dogs but then got attacked by one. How do you think the persons mind would deal with a situation like that? Would they go back to square 1?

    I loved reading your research!
    Best of luck,
    Anannya B

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