A success I had was coming up with the idea of bringing in treats for the students. This is because the kids had challenging classes throughout the day due to tests, so a small reward made them happy. Another success was playing European Handball with a younger class because I was able to explain the instructions well and make the teams fair. Also, I did an excellent job with refereeing because I was making sure the rules were followed by communicating my opinions with the players. Lastly, a success I had was during the French test because I was able to answer the students’ questions without giving the answers away. This was an accomplishment because it showed I could help others without doing their work for them.
A challenge I faced was during Home Ec class when I had to help the students wash their dishes because some of the kids weren’t staying on task and were fooling around instead. I overcame this by reminding them that class was almost over, so if they wanted to leave on time they would have to finish their duties quicker. Another obstacle I faced was during a European Handball game because one of the kids got hit in the face with a ball and started crying. I overcame this by sitting with the student on the bench and giving him time to calm down before asking him if he needed anything like ice. Lastly, a challenge I faced was during a basketball game played outside with the students because I got hit on the head with a ball. I overcame this by taking a break until my head stopped hurting and then playing again, I also made sure not to get upset because mistakes are always made.
Next for my action project, I might return to that same school to volunteer on my own time. This is because I enjoyed being there and have built connections with the students. Also, I could still help the teachers in multiple ways like marking tests and organizing games for gym classes.
1.) This photo shows the day plan of Mrs. Carston’s class.
2.) This photo shows the type of candy I brought in for the students which was Jolly Ranchers.
3.) This is a photo of Mrs. Carston’s class after their French test.
4.) This is a photo of a student in Mrs. Carston’s class named Garrett who wanted to be a part of my blog post. He also was my opponent in the basketball game we played outside at lunch.
Hello Mahdiya,
It’s amazing how much you learned while volunteering! As a club leader, I understand very well the stress of being responsible for people and also getting them to listen meaningfully, so I applaud you for being so consistent and enthusiastic about volunteering with Hillcrest. Have you considered taking a peer tutoring class at Charles Best? I think you would be good at it. Also, I have a question. Why is this project tagged as Inquiry Based Learning if it’s an action project?