
Step 4 Action Post

In the previous blog post, I mentioned how Mai and I planned to complete our garbage pick up on Sunday at Town Centre Park. However, we ended up having to postpone the date as we both had a busy weekend and large tests the following week for our school courses.

Finally, Mai and I were able to complete our one-hour garbage pickup at Town Centre Park after school earlier this week. I would definitely say that it was successfully done. We both assumed there would not be much garbage out as we have all been to Town Centre Park and never noticed significant amounts of garbage outside their bins. Yet in reality, there were way more than we have expected. Even on our way walking to the main areas from the parking lot, like the play ground and the Rocky Point Ice Cream shop, we were able to pick various types of garbage like napkins, wrappers, and juice boxes on the grass. Eventually when we reached the areas where people cluster, there were even more for pickup. 

  <– this is the amount we had 5-10 minutes in

Overall, we were able to gather a significantly large – or significantly larger than expected – amount of garbage. While this marks our success in our first garbage pick up mission, it also warns us of the issue existent in real life, of the amount of litter out in the environment even when people know it is bad.

The challenge we faced is, again, working to match our schedules and finding time to complete our garbage pick up. For the next time, we are likely to go together after school again as we seem to have a day where we are both free, and as they are less unpredictable for the both of us compared to weekends.

We will also change our location to other areas like a trail or a neighbourhood, and see if there are any differences in our experience. During our previous garbage pick up, we discussed about sorting the garbage we pick up into different bags as well, so that they can be recycled or trashed, to start a more positive impact.

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