. Due to the lack of civilization and the knowledge to know what was enough or a fair price for raw materials, the colonizers were able to take advantage of Africans. (2) The Africans were colonized because they provided cheap labour for the European industries. (2) When the Europeans came to Africa the chiefs were bribed with some things like wine, mirror and fruits and in exchange they would give out slaves. (2) They got the slave from the strong men.
. 3. The Europeans were superior, and they treated Africans like a species of animals and when the Africans saw that they could not fight them thy gave in and accepted to be colonized. The men that were to fight the colonizers were taken as slaves.
The colonisers came to Affrica to spread the Christian religion. They needed the gospel of Christianity to reach Africa, so missionaries were sent to Africa with bibles. Since Africans only believed in the power of the ancestors the colonisers saw it as a chance to spread the Christian gospel. it is believed that modern Christianity in Kenya dates from 1844, when missionaries settled near Mombasa, but little progress was made until the 1870s. A settlement for freed slaves established at Frere town, near Mombasa, prospered, and the first Kenyans were ordained in 1885. (2)
So, Africans were colonised so much, and they had to endure this and also had to fight against it.
1Ten Major Reasons Why Europeans Colonized Africa – HubPages
2 :7 Reasons for the Colonization of Africa – Bscholarly