By erasing past mistakes and glossing over them in conversations about history, we obliterate the past. (6) To avoid this, we need to study history for many reasons. It helps young people understand their culture (4), helps us understand change (4), and often gives us a glimpse of the future. (4) It helps us to interpret the events and causes that contribute to our current world. (7) It is important to ask questions about history to help avoid past mistakes as well as because history is subjective. (3)
To study history is to study change. (7) Lessons from the past have advanced our species (2) and history helps to understand the impact of past events. (1) Society today comes from hundreds of past actions (1) and these past mistakes help us learn how avoid them in the future. (6) However, the consequences of actions cannot always be fully understood (6), but history gives us tools to analyze past problems (7) and we can learn about how the past shapes our future. (5)
Humankind’s greatest potential comes with the greatest consequence (2) and historical events affect every person alive today. (1) However, history can be misused to suit policymakers’ agendas (3) and can be never be an objective science. (3) Some say that the historic records shows that humanity does not learn from their mistakes. (5) To help avoid this, history should be taught as a way to learn from mistakes, not just about them. (5) Looking at the past with only a romanticized idea of the good while ignoring the bad can cause it to repeat itself. (2)
In my next blog post, I plan to research the sub question: Does learning about history help us learn from our previous mistakes? Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post.
Hi Aniela,
Great blog post! I really like your inquiry question since it’s something I think about from time to time and i agree with eveything you’ve statde in you blog post. I found it interesting how you mentioned “To study history is to study change.” I belive that this fact is really powerful and sums up the answer of your sub-question really well. Do you think that the potential lack education about history could lead to humanity making mistakes in the future?
A source that may be helpful in future blog posts is:
I look forward to reading your future blog posts!