
Action Blog Post #3 Pt.2

So far with my action project, I have visited Hillcrest Middle School for the third time to volunteer in classrooms. I have primarily assisted in Mrs. Carston’s class, but I have also provided support in other grades 7 and 8 classes. During my most recent visit, I helped with subjects like social studies, math (where the students were learning about exponents), home ec (where they were sewing), and gym class where the students had free time.

I’ve had success in my ability to communicate ideas clearly. I was able to answer the students’ inquiries about math problems in a variety of ways by demonstrating various approaches to solving them. Another accomplishment was walking around the classroom and assisting students with their Duolingo assignments. I helped by responding to their straightforward French-related questions since I am enrolled in high school French. Last but not least, I was able to engage in numerous conversations with the students during their home ec class.  This was a success because the students were having fun while they were working on their own projects.

Walking through the school all day while dealing with a sprained knee was a challenge I had to overcome. I overcame this by stretching my leg and taking small steps. Another challenge was time management because I was missing my own schoolwork. I dealt with this by making up the homework on my own time. Another difficulty I encountered was forgetting to eat because I was so busy interacting with students, assisting the teacher, and attending various classes throughout the day. I overcame this by grabbing a quick snack from the vending machine.

Next, I will be going back to that same school to volunteer two more times for my fourth and fifth blog posts. The reason I will go to that school is because I already have a connection with the teachers and students since I used to attend there.

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1 Comment

  1. Hello Mahdiya,

    Your Action project is so interesting! Helping students all while learning and growing alongside them is very noble, and the experience is always welcome. Please take care of yourself better, I’m sure nobody wants you to starve/neglect yourself for them.

    Also, is this an action or inquiry project? Because the title is Action while the post is tagged as inquiry.

    I look forward to reading about your project’s progress!


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