
Blog Post #1 Step: 1 Action Post

My three most important values are hard work, loyalty, and honesty. My three least important values are forgiveness, selflessness, and hope.

As I live by these values, I agree with them. I believe hard work and dedication can lead to all your goals in life, personal and career wise. If you have certain goal in mind, I believe that working towards that goal tirelessly and efficiently will not only lead to you achieving that goal but also achieving fulfillment in yourself. Additionally, having loyalty is an important value in life. Being loyal to those you have supported you and those close to you will not only build trust and stronger connections, but also create sense of belonging and reliability. I believe that loyalty is a main value to building other values such as trust, reliability, success, and life long connections. As for my third value, honesty, it ties together with loyalty. I believe that living your life honestly can create many opportunities in life. Not only is it the foundation of any relationship, but it builds a positive reputation for yourself. Living an honest life allows you to be at peace and comfort with yourself, providing clarity and genuineness for you and others around you. Lastly, it creates a positive reputation for yourself. Being honest to those around spreads a positive outlook on who you are as a person, thus allowing more opportunities and people into your life.

As for my three least important values, I believe that they are important, but rather create more negatives than positives in your life. Forgiveness is an important quality as everyone is human and bound to make mistakes, but I do not think it should be a value to live by. I believe forgiveness creates a perception that you can be easily used. If someone negatively affects you and constantly hurts you, and you constantly forgive them, this allows them to take advantage of you. This causes you to become drained as you receive negative and hurtful energy, and creates a narrative towards others that you are easy to use. Rather than being forgiving, being more stern and watching out for yourself and who you surround yourself with will create a better atmosphere for yourself and your mental health. As for my second value, selflessness, it ties with forgiveness. As I used to be a very selfless person, always looking for the best for others and putting them before myself, I realized that this did not benefit me very much. I realized although I helped many people when they were in need, I never received any help myself, when I was struggling. Rather I was left alone to struggle as they succeeded. This made me realize that humans are selfish, rather than helping each other grow, people will always prioritize themselves. This taught me that I will always and only be the person who looks out for myself. Supporting myself and my needs should come first as I have to survive myself. As for hope, I think it is a beautiful value to have, but it is not realistic. I think hope is for those who wish to have things without working for them. I believe that you can achieve your goals by working hard towards them and being prepared for them. This allows you to reach these goals, rather than to have hope, without any concrete results supporting it.

In the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the one that aligns with my values the most is decent work and economic growth. This aligns with my values as I believe hard work and dedication can lead to a positive future. As for my passion, it is good health and well-being. This is my passion as I always strive to maintain good health, both physically and mentally, and wish to pursue a career in the future relating to people’s health and well-being. A specific action I plan to address is the cleanliness of our community. I have realized that although we try our best to limit the trash we produce, it is still not being disposed properly. I have decided to pick-up garbage in my local community in order to give back to my community as well as providing a solution to improper garbage disposal.

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1 Comment

  1. I have liked your values, for sure good values have positive effects, and again your passion teach me a lot as we understand that well being matters in every way because if one part of your body is not well it will affect the whole body. Thanks for your well done job and I know I will learn a lot from your posts.

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