Fidgeting is a cue and has different responses when it comes to reading and interpreting it. Female fidgeting is mostly assumed to be flirtatious[2]. This not often the case because sometimes they do so simply because they are anxious and not flirting but when males fidget it typically shows that they are bored [2]. Men use touch as a show of dominance and women use it just to build a connection or reassure[1]. According to psychology today, it has been shown that men are less successful in reading or sending non-verbal cues [1]. Well, this is one topic that really makes me somehow more curious to know and really learn more about gender in large. Thanks for reading my post.
1.https://online.pointpark.edu/public-relations-and-advertising/gender-differences-communication-styles 2.https://uiwomenscenter.wordpress.com/2019/12/06/female-vs-male-body-language