
Step 2 Action Post

This semester, I will be completing an action project with my friend, Mai, to pick up garbage around the area, in hopes to improve the environment of the community we live in. To start, we will get together and find a location with significant amounts of garbage existing that could be picked up. For instance, certain neighbourhoods, trails, or parks. Then, we will find a time where we are both free to complete our first garbage pick up.

There will definitely be complexity in our action project. First, since Mai and I are both very busy with our school, extracurriculars, and work, it will be more difficult for us to find a time where we both are free to complete our task. Second, efficient garbage pick up will not be ensured every time we attempt to do so. Even if we put in our best effort, many outside factors, like bad weather or a location with little garbage may hinder our efficiency.

This action is sustainable. Going out in the area to pick up garbage is completely doable in our daily life. By spending time periodically to pick up litter, we are contributing our share in improving the environment. For every piece of trash that is taken away, it can be recycled or deposited in a landfill, which is also one less dangerous item for animals like birds to eat. By cleaning up, we are helping to restore nature’s original form and these creature’s habitat. Some people may argue that litter clean-up is not tackling the root causes of this pollution. However, while spreading awareness to produce less garbage is important, the cleanup of garbage that is already out in the environment still needs to be done. Thus, this action is sustainable and significant.

This action is providing opportunities for us to take one more step forward in improving the environment to our abilities. Although in my daily life I am aware in ways like throwing my garbage in the right trash can, by physically going out to pick up litter, I am furthering my share in saving the environment. To ensure we are making the positive impact we intend, we are going to persevere in our efforts and try our best to continue with our litter pick up days.

Although we do not know any experts personally, there are many organizations and websites who specialize in reducing solution and actions like litter pick up. Therefore, we can find information online that will help with our project. Furthermore, we can ask those who have done similar projects in the past for advice like recommending locations and timings for the action. By doing so, we will be able to make our action plan more effective.

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