I chose this question because I noticed we rely on technology a lot to support our relationships. For example, we choose to call our friends instead of meeting them in person. I am curious to research the positive and negative sides on how technology affects our relationships with others. I also wanted to figure out to what extent of relying on technology was acceptable as a source of communication in our relationships. I was inspired to research this question because of the short story Call Me. In this story, we see how the main character loses his relationship with his girlfriend because he relied too much on technology to support his relationship. I am excited to research on this topic because we all use technology to support our relationships. I want to positively affect everyone, so they can have long-lasting and strong relationships!
Hello, Sarah,
Great blog post! I’ve always wondered how technologies have also impacted our relationships with other people. What would life be like without the benefits of fast messaging instead conversations taking months? It is doubtful whether technology helped our relationships with others or negatively impacted our relationships with others.
Here are some websites that you might find useful:
Hi Sarah!
This is a great topic! Technology is impacting relationships more and more every single day, and it’s interesting, but also scary to think about how it may be affecting human connection. You mentioned that we tend to call our friends, rather than meet them in person to talk, and that made me think about how we are also starting to text our friends more instead of calling them on our phones. Personally, I find that to be very scary because it is becoming our reality, and I think it would be interesting to see if technology could ever fully replace human connection. How far will technology develop to the point where in person interactions aren’t a thing anymore? And how has technology positively or negatively affected our social skills as human beings? These are all just ideas that could be fascinating to research!
Here are some resources that I think could help you with your future research:
Good luck, and I’m excited to see your future posts!
Hi Sarah,
I really enjoyed reading your blog post since your inquiry is connected to mine! I think about this a lot, and how my relationships with others would be different if we didnt use technology as much as we do now. I liked how to realted your inquiry question with something from your personal life, like the short story “Call Me”.
One question I have is, do you believe that technology also has some positive effects on relationships? Or do you think the effects are mainly negative?
here is a website that may be helpful in your future research: https://youthtimemag.com/how-technology-affects-relationships/
Best of luck with your future research and I look forward to reading your future blog posts!