
Blog Post #7 – Metamorphosis

One challenge I encountered during this project was trying to get as much information as necessary for my second sub-question which is, Why do we see a change in people’s body language when they are stressed or anxious? This was a hard question to research since lot’s of the information I found was super similar in each site, so it was difficult to get a variety of different information that is still relevant to the topic and answers my big inquiry question. I overcame this challenge by not only looking at different websites, but also looking at the sources used (usually cited at the bottom of the website) to collect information for these websites. By digging a little deeper and finding reputable sources which are written by reliable people with PhD’s and doctorates, I was able to find more information than needed which wasn’t repetitive and was relevant to my topic. Therefore, I wrote a detailed and well organised/thought out blog post answering my sub-question and inquiry question.


This experience and researching a topic that I am passionate about really helped me realize just how important mental health is and how everything in our body has a connection to phsychological things that we experience. It allowed me to understand more thouroughly how we can improve our mental health and physical health through each other. I now reflect more upon how I am feeling throughout my day and ways I can improve to benefit myself and other around me.


While researching, I learned a lot about how if we dont take care of our physical health through exercising, eating healthy and more, our mental health will worsen which can lead to physical disease and mental disease. Therefore, I will continue playing sports and being active and I will always, even in the future, make an effort to eat healthy and exercise my mind along with my body so that I can feel good and live life. In those ways, this project has positively influenced my future decisions when it comes to my lifestyle.


I believe that this topic impacts others globally because it can open the eyes of a lot of people and bring awareness to how our mental health is just as important as our physical health. When others realize this, we can all help each other in the short term which will help us improve in the long run, making us a happier and healthier community overall. Researching this topic can help people learn about their own bodies and how everything works together/is connected. The global effect may be that if more people are educated on this topic and this area of research, more people who struggle with thier mental health can be helped accordingly. For instance, there may be more doctors (psychologists, therapists, etc.), organizations, charities and more, to help others become more aware of this topic and it’s effect on our global community.


Overall, I really enjoyed learning about this topic and I hope you all enjoyed reading my blog posts as much as I did making them. It has been a great experience and I hope that everyone can retain at least one useful piece of information that they can relate to or use in their favor. Thannk You!

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