
Blog Post #7: Reflection

“What impact does sex trafficking have on our society and how deeply are we affected?”

This is the inquiry question and project I will be reflecting on.

What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project?

While doing my research, I realized that my topic did not have a lot of solid information for me to gather. Sex trafficking is such a secretive system that there is little information about it, which makes it even more difficult for me to find the little bit of information there is. I overcame these challenges by spending more time going through websites and often reading information in our laws and legal publishings.

How did this inquiry change the way you think?

I now have so much more information about my topic and understand it much better. I have started to think a lot more about how the victims feel during and after their traumatic experiences. I think this topic feels a lot more personal now that I have seen and read so many people’s stories.

How did this investigation impact your future decisions?

I think this investigation has really made it clear to me how lucky I am in life. So many people have so few options in life, and I feel it is my duty to use my options to help those with less. I will be more grateful in the future and I will try to truly help others.

What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?

I really hope that anyone who sees my inquiry project can learn from it. Whether it gets them interested enough to start talking about it to others, or even if they just learn what it is, I really hope it makes people think and talk more about sex trafficking.

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