
Blog post #7 Reflection

Blog #7: Reflection

Hi everyone, this semester my inquiry question “was should we decriminalize drugs?”. I concluded that yes, we should decriminalize drugs, though that is only one step to tackle the opioid/overdose crisis. To fully address this crisis, we must look towards legalization.
1. Address the following questions:
a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? 

A challenge that I encountered in this project was remaining unbiased during my research. I find that I chose my inquiry questions based on what I am passionate about and often things I already have relatively strong opinions on. I overcame this challenge by making sure to read articles and papers that looked at both sides of decriminalization vs not decriminalizing. I still think that my research was still a bit biased in what I chose to include, and I think that it is something that I can continue to work on in future projects.

b. How did this inquiry change the way you think? 

This inquiry project did not really change the way I think in the sense of decriminalization, but it introduced me to legalization and how it is also an important step. Prior to this inquiry project I had never really considered it something helpful, but after researching the subject I now believe that legalization is one of the only ways to fully address the opioid/overdose crisis. 

  1. How did this investigation impact your future decisions?

This investigation impacted my future decisions in a few ways. I think that from now on I will try to be more aware of what is happening in my community. Certainly, I knew about the opioid crisis but not to the extent that I know now. I had not realized that this really is a major issue that we should be combating more severely but it is not. 

  1. What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?

This investigation will hopefully show people how the decriminalization/legalization of drugs is not a bad thing. I could show people how decriminalization does not only mean that there are no more penalties for drug use and possession, but it mostly means getting people the help that they need. This investigation could open people’s eyes and show them that this opioid/overdose crisis that is currently happening both locally and globally and cannot be solved without legalization.

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